I bought this game as of yesterday and overall, it works amazing! The game is very fun to play around with. I decided to give the game commands a try and just mess around. As soon as I type in a command in the console (other than “help”) I get an “Engine Error” notice and a whole lot of other giberish.
I’ll post a link to the snapshot I took of the issue if anyone else is having the same issue or a related issue.
That’s because some commands need arguments, or need some entity selected before you execute them.
They are meant to help with debugging, not actually for using in-game, although some users use them to workaround some bugs, or speed up their gameplay. I’d say not to run any command unless you know well what it does and how to use it.
Hey @Diablo1290, welcome to the forums! I’m not sure about set_blink - but ib is meant to instantly build the selected building. To use it, first click on a non-finished building, then open the console, then type ib and hit Enter.