[Cliff Castle] A castle on top of a big mountain!

Hi people,
I start my castle and i want to share it with you :slight_smile:
The idea :
Do a big, beautiful and usefull castle ! on top of a big mountain ! (The global idea xD)

Actualy :

(The none symmetric is, for me, the best design ever :stuck_out_tongue: )

  • The initial thinks is to dig all around deeply (until bed rock).
  • With the construction do a beautiful mountain :wink: (natural type with maybe some tree alongside the cliff)
  • On the bac of the castle, i will do a separate tower link to the “main base” by a bridge (Maybe the wizard castle)
  • The “main base” will be compose by the houses, the castle (we can see the beginnig here) and the farm)
    I need you :
  • I do a big bridge between the “main base” and the continent ?
  • I do a long stair from bedrock to the “main base” level ?
  • Do a castle with city okay, but ? Japanese style, ordinary style…?

=> I will post some time the “building state”


great idea! i look forward to seeing its further development.


[quote=“KAmEtLeon, post:1, topic:15618”]
I do a long stair from bedrock to the “main base” level ?
[/quote]it could be cool, if it was a spiraling staircase around the side or something.

[quote=“KAmEtLeon, post:1, topic:15618”]
Do a castle with city okay, but ? Japanese style, ordinary style…?
[/quote]i’d say ordinary european style.



Thanks :wink:
It’s just amazing how many time i need to dig xD

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are you manually digging it with your hearthling slave labor, or using the console command?

Slave mode :stuck_out_tongue:
I don’t play in peace mode … gobelin are here :stuck_out_tongue:

Baracuda from Ace team Command the defence forces xD

Digging …


Did the goblins invade the castle under construction? :smile:

Great project. Please share with us the progress.

Thumbs up


I always try and build what I see but I can never do it right.
Nice looking castle! :open_mouth: