Clay Bricks Used To Craft

Title: Clay Bricks used as a crafting resource

Summary: Potters will use Clay Bricks as a “clay resource” when crafting.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set a potter to maintain clay bricks.
  2. Run out of regular Clay
  3. Uses Clay Brick to make Clay Brick

Expected Results:
Would stop crafting clay bricks when out of clay.
Actual Results:
Uses clay bricks to produce clay bricks, thus spinning out of control into an endless crafting cycle.


ROFL! @yshan is psychic, and is working on that RIGHT NOW


Hahah I kinda see this being useful in a pinch (using clay bricks to make items as a last resort) but not for clay bricks making clay bricks. xD


Can confirm I am see that happen also. Kinda annoying.
Here is the screen shots.

confirmed, super annoying

Also can confirm. Potter will also use clay bricks to make clay bricks when there are stores of mounds of clay. Seems to use the closest clay resource (either mounds or bricks).