As many may know, I am in charge of the Spanish translation of the game.
In the translation process, we have found several things that should be changed. Things are very good at English, but need not be, in other languages.
Please change these things:
1.- Population (http://i.imgur.com/GUI2TQL.png)
"population_label": "population",
It should be added a variable with the name of the kingdom. For example, like this:
"title": "¡[name(i18n_data.entity)] subió de nivel!",
If you didn't set the variable here, I couldn't add "¡" at first. Our language needs:
"population_label": "Población de [kingdom_name]",
2.- Crafter orders (http://i.imgur.com/ZgiHn6H.png)
"workshop_title": "Pedidos",
We need a variable there. For example, like this:
"workshop_title": "Pedidos de [carpenter, mason...]",
3.- Saved (http://i.imgur.com/rk76n0W.png)
This little word is not in the language file. Please, see the picture.
PD: More things can be added as I continue translating.
There is also a few things that could be polished for the french translation but at the end of the day, I’m wondering if it’s possible to please everybody (imagine language A need something and language B need just the opposite!)…
On my side, for now I try to do it within the boundaries dictated by the english version. Many times, there is some way that are not the easiest but still are ok with the rules of our languages (in my case, french). But in most of latin languages, the big problem is the gender and all the things around like the definite articles (artículos definidos) different from a gender to the other. I haven’t yet done the whole traduction but at some point it may be necessary to change some tidbits for these more “complex” languages…
Hello, @Beatrice
I don’t ask impossible things, the variables are created, they just have to fix a couple of files and add them in the language of translation.
What it would be difficult is the issue of gender. The resolution shall be of the translators, creating other ways, modifying the structure of the sentence and avoiding gender. @Kythandra is fair work in that part of the translation, maybe he/she can help you.
I will try to make these requested changes happen.
I am trying to work through the back log of localization features I’ve put in my list. Sorry it’s taking awhile (been busy fixing other bugs).
Thank you for doing the translations and bringing up these issues!
I’m back at last. @Beatrice
The problem we are having with the genre is due to the fact that the articles and the adjetives are related to a noun or subject which is variable, the infamous [string(noun)]. This can be masc or fem.
What I’m doing is to introduce another word (noun) in the sentence that quantifies the string and takes the subject role thus fixing the genre to one I know. I’ll explain with an example, it’s the easiest way! Original english text:
“This [str(entry.recent_food)] is wonderful.”, Translated text:
“Este [str(entry.recent_food)] es maravilloso.”,
“Ce [str(entry.recent_food)] est merveilleux.”,
Unfortunatelly [str(entry.recent_food)] can be masc or fem:
“Esta [str(entry.recent_food)] es maravillosa.”,
“Cette [str(entry.recent_food)] est merveilleuse.”,
So, what I do is to add a quantifier to the [str(entry.recent_food)]. In this case I use the word ration (ración, ration). I chose ration because it is very generic. Better than portion (porción, portion), plate (plato, assiette), etc… New translated text:
“Esta ración de [str(entry.recent_food)] es maravillosa.”,
“Cette ration de [str(entry.recent_food)] est merveilluse.”,
This way, no matter what the [str(entry.recent_food)] is, all adjetives and articles are reffered to the word ration. Allowing you to writte whatever you want without fear or worries.
Note: Only one problem with this approach. The already longer translated sentences are even longer.
Good method! Tx for sharing!
One thing I begin to use more and more is to add some breaks with <br> to optimize the way longer strings fill the available space. It’s pretty effective for the tooltips too.
Hello all, @Kythandra Thank you for your excellent explanation to Beatrice. @Beatrice If we can help you in something else, surely we will be happy to do so. @yshan Another thing added in the first message, little issue.