Can you make clean icons directly from Qubicle Editor?

While working on graphic features, I was able to easily change the qb files, but I couldn’t find a good way to make icons. Is there any way to extract directly from the Qubicle Editor Tool? (I tried Render Image, but somehow it just spits out blank image…)

Or at least is there a way to get rid of the grid and stuff? (I found out how to get rid of the background grid, but couldn’t find the way to get rid of the box surrounding the model.)

I will be able to upload the alpha version of the mod(Scholar Mod) if I find out how to do this!

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Nevermind! I found the way. I just needed to set up the camera first!
Although I need the 300*300 image and need to find a way to change the size…

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if you click on the little pencil beside “resolution gate” you should be able to change the size

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I want to do the same thing but I don’t have qubicle. Right now I’m using VoxelShop, and the light there is bad for icons. What other free programs can do it? Troxel site got good lights, but no isometric view, and it is hard to get the same angle for all items.

i don’t have the full version of qubicle either, however i have the demo version and you can still use the render function with the demo :slight_smile:

magicavoxel has really amazing render functions, but you don’t really need anything super amazing for icons…


In Qubicle 2 under Edit>Prefernces>Camera Light, I have Offset = 0.10, 0.40, 1 and Intensity = 1. I find this makes decent images from the default Top Front Right isonmetric view.

In Magica it’s a one-click goodness (if we don’t count turning background off).

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that’s true, but personally i like to use qubicle, not because it’s any easier (quite the opposite) but because then i know the icons for my mods will always match stonehearths icons.

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If you have Photoshop, I can make a tutorial on how I do mine now with magicavoxel/photoshop.[quote=“MelOzone, post:7, topic:23781”]
In Magica it’s a one-click goodness (if we don’t count turning background off).

That still gives you a black background, not a transparent one.

Thanks, but at the photoshop step I’m ok. I even got that little transparent border most items have. It ended pretty decent, just missed a little the item angle, will redo if I get bothered by it later.

Actually, no, if a “BG” option (that is, background) is also off. In my setting it’s off by default.

I would look at you .png files, all of mine still filled the background area with black that I then edited out in photoshop, plus the background option is only in editor mode which gives you a gradient, not render mode, and as far as I can tell has nothing to do with saving transparency in a .png file.

You also can’t set the dimensions or ppi in editor mode, only render. Since magicavoxel blurrs it when you take it down to 300x300 and blends to much of the black into the edges, I save the renders at 1800x1800 and scale down cleaner versions in ps.

An example from my topic about lights. All screens there are made in render mode, but I have no black background in any mode (if BG is off).
I usually make screens in Editor, it makes shadows look “simpler” to fit general SH style.

Do you make screens with Magica tool (F6)?

in a recent magicavoxel update transparent backgrounds were removed, not sure why though…


Wow. I knew nothing about it. Can ask Ephtracy about it, he answers in his twitter from time to time.


Here I am scratching my head trying to figure out why my computer is being difficult.

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i’ve actually been meaning to ask him about it but keep forgetting :stuck_out_tongue:

Here we are, both correct. I will just carry on over there…

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Reported to Ephtracy.
As for now, I know for sure this wasn’t a thing in 0.97.2. So it appeared somewhere between it and current 0.97.4.


Well it was easier than I thought.
Ephtracy revealed a well-kept secret: there’s a button to the right of the “screenshot” one. It toggles screen’s alpha channel on and off. In 0.97.4 it’s off by default while in 0.97.2 it was on.
Turn it on @xxdalexx, lo and behold! The miracle!