Since the trapper is most of the time outside of the town, placing traps and “harvesting” animals, I think it would be logic that he knows how to handle wild animals and so should get a bonus against those. This way, he can defend against small critters outside of town, not distracting your soldiers from their duty (incase something even more dangerous appears at the same time).
I can think of 2 ways:
- He gains bonus damage against animals per job level (+2 per joblevel)
- He gains bonus damage against animals just by equipping the trapper knife (10 damage +5 against wild animals)
With the first option, he would become a real good defense against wild animals when reaching high levels. The second option gives him a boost immidiatly, but he would be weaker in the long run compared to the first option. Both help him to survive in the wilderness though.
Ofc. I’m well aware that the current game is not really challanging, since one guard is enough to defend against all attacks, but in the future (and more balance patches) the early game could become much harder and it could be wise to have someone who can deal with wild animals or helps your guards to do so.