"Attack" button when selecting a hostile mob

As the title says, I think there should be a simple button when you have a hostile mob selected that allows you to automatically target it for attack by your soldiers. Perhaps, to make it more intuitive, have five buttons occupy the space of one, with Squad 1 on the top left, Squad 2 on the top right, Squad 3 on the bottom left, Squad 4 on the bottom right, and a button overlapping them all slightly in the center for “All Squads”. (Or open a slide-up menu when clicking it to choose who to attack it with.) Though even just a button to automatically make all squads attack that target would be useful.


I have added this to my UnitFramePlus mod. The party buttons are in clockwise order starting in the upper left.


Oh awesome, fantastic work! I’ll go grab it from the Workshop and share it, this is wonderful quality of life improvement.