Any tips for someone trying to learn Qubicle?

For a while I have been contemplating learning to use qubicle and when I discovered it had a free trial I decided to take a shot at it. For my first creation I decided to try to copy something from a picture rather then start from scratch as i felt it would be easier for a beginner, so I thought of something I would like to voxelise that would be relatively easy to do without being too easy, so I went with a Voidwalker from World of Warcraft, pictured here:

Here was the result, as you can see it looks more Minecraft then Stonehearth:

Is it looking more like minecraft then stonehearth just my imagination or am i being overly critical? Is it something that just doesnā€™t convert to voxel well? Its size IIRC is about 27 blocks according to cubicle which IIRC is about the size of a normal villager, maybe a little bit bigger. Have I made any glaringly obvious mistakes or anywhere that could use improving?

Any advice greatly appreciated.


quite a nice model! beautiful job with the ā€œshadingā€, it looks as though its actually glowing in the model!

[quote=ā€œNazgren, post:1, topic:19358ā€]
as you can see it looks more Minecraft then Stonehearth:
[/quote]it actually looks a lot like the stonehearth style, much better then iā€™ve ever managed to do with a humanoid.

[quote=ā€œNazgren, post:1, topic:19358ā€]
Have I made any glaringly obvious mistakes or anywhere that could use improving?
[/quote] i dont see any mistakes, but perhaps change the eyes slightly, at first i thought it had 4 eyes in your model.

keep up the good work!


Your very forgiving ^^ Thank you for the praise and advice. If I had a bit more Qubicle knowledge i would attempt to add a particle effect to his base like you see on the camp fires to mimic the cloud of darkness on the original. Maybe one day :wink: The eyes were definitely something that gave me pause, I couldnā€™t find a way that looked right. I would maybe settle for just having the one square, since you cant quite replicate the menacing glare on a humanoid size model, maybe if he was a titan it could be done.


that part actually isnt done with Qubicle :wink:

its done with a cubemitter effect in the games files, so it wouldnā€™t be Qubicle knowledge, but rather coding knowledge.


Ah, you learn something new every day! I shall have to learn how to use that as well then, thank you for informing me.


I believe @not_owen_wilson has written most of the cubemitter code, though @RepeatPan might be of some assistance as he did some work with cubemitters for Frostfeast.

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Itā€™s actually not that bad to be honest
So much that i wouldnā€™t consider it a ā€˜first tryā€™ without the context

What i would suggest though is to make him more square
Considering he has a decent similarity woth my golem, take a look at this guy

They bolth are pretty bulky but the one you made is pretty round compared to the golem and most of the SH(StoneHearth)entities

Consider making him a bit more square in the edges (not like a box but more like a rounded box or something)

And also the SH style tends to have less to no gadation. (Or smooth color transition)
It feels more like a layer
In the model you made it has a lot of gradations around the head area
(Too much details is a burden to the visual sometimes)

While. This is deffinitly a matter of taste
But SH does tend to go with a more distinct color layer
Consider making the gradation a bit ore rought and less detailed (stubby is cute!)

Again yours is actually a good model and to be honest, you donā€™t really ā€˜needā€™ to follow the SH style, but if you want to that is the advice iā€™d give you


The end of the most recent stream has a good bit of info on the aesthetics of stonehearth as well, I highly recommend you check it out on stonehearthā€™s twitch


Thank you all for the advice. It was never my intention to put the model into the game in the form of a mod, etc, so Iā€™m not overly concerned with making him look exactly like the stonehearth style, i just felt like he is something you would be more likely to see in Minecraft then Stonehearth. It may just be the style of the creature or as you pointed out him having a strong gradient and being too rounded. Those two points and the stream listed by Wharp will certainly come in handy as I am now considering trying to make some original models, rather then copying from a picture. I was thinking I would make a number of demons who could serve a similar purpose and role to the undead, if I learnt how to do coding, etc, then maybe I could expand on it a bit more and give them some of their own mechanics. Maybe if I make something Iā€™m happy with I could even get a paid version of qubicle and export them! Am going away for work for ~8 days tommorow, so I will get a chance to think of some designs, etc.

Golem looks amazing btw, love the moss and vines!

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cubemitters have been around since the very first Alpha I believe, the camp fire is a cubemitter after all. For Frostfeast, we required to have programmable cubemitters, i.e. cubemitters that can be adjusted by a script.

If you just want to have the ā€œsameā€ effect no matter what, you donā€™t need to script at all - just create a cubemitter, then an effect using said cubemitter, and attach it to the entity. I think by looking at the ingots and the camp fire you should be able to figure it out.