Title: Alpha 5 bug: check ‘nil’ not expect for type ‘userdata’
This seems to show up as a sunrise bug and while I try building. I’m not 100% sure as to what is is throwing it yet. Unfortunately, this error caused the path finding and AI to be FUBAR. will create a test town and update accordingly.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create town
- save game using “overwrite” to create new file.
- wait till day 4-5 during sunrise.
As I said before, this is still under investigation. I just wanted to post this in case others have seen it. Will update as I gather more info.
Versions and Mods: Alpha 5, no mods
System Information: Windows 7 Professional, Intel Core i7-2600k @3.4 GHz, 16 GB Ram, Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti