As many general details about the encounter as you can provide
Monster info:
Type of monster (including size if applicable) I’ve played through them all I believe 
Number of monsters, Usually around 5 / 12, per 12 hour
Footman Info:
Number of footman in battle: usually 1
Footman levels: 3 footman, 2 level 6’s and 1 level 3,
Footman weapons: Giant Bone axe x3,
Armor footman were wearing: Bronze breastplate, Iron Mail x2,
Total net worth: 9430
Total number of Hearthlings: 19 (so far)
Personal note: I feel once you get a level 18 + weapon, there is little to no threat, I now have a level 26 weapon (Giant Bone axe) which is way to powerful and kills all the enemys pretty fast (mostly 2 hits a kill). I’ve only lost 1 guy in 9 hours of game play, and that was because he wanted to be brave and try to kill everyone with a trappers knife before the footman could help him. I love the way currently mobs are spawning, large enough to give you a threat and try to prepare for them, and at points if they damage your hearthlings enough. (thats the reason I have 3 footman, Wolfs did more damage than any mobs, and left 2 of my footman hurt badly) it adds more worry and makes you re-strategize , which I personally love doing. I just feel either a level 18 weapon is to powerful or mobs are to weak, or maybe its just me over playing it! 
I can rely on 1 footman to take out an entire camp at this point, There’s still the feel of fear when they run through your town, at most at this point my hearthlings lose 2 hearts, It even got to the OP point I made the goblin chief cry.
I like the fact factions can fight each other, it makes it feel more like the wild environment now, which I really enjoy, so good job with that!
A few things I’d personal feel would help benefit at this point. specific beds that the herbalist can tend to, as my towns gotten bigger and my footman take damage, they’ll go to the nearest bed, then if they see an enemy they will go fight them without being healed. I feel having different types of beds will make the use of wood more limited, or limit you to wasting it because you have 1 more thing to worry about and your hurt footman can be somewhere safer. So you can make a safe part in your town and place the dedicate beds so your hurt footman can be as safe as possible.
Over all though, I love the new feel and all the new enemy’s. It makes the game feel so much more complete being able to get to 19 hearthlings, have a good size town, and keep the game going for hours on end with no real performance loss. I think you guys have done an amazing job, and love the progress made,
Sorry for this being so long, I wanted to share as much as possible as to how I see combat so far!
Edit: I take back the part about weapons being OP, I’m about 16 hours in now, And my people are slowly getting destroyed now, I’ve got 4 footman now and lost 4 people, So fair play to the goblins and enemy factions, they’re just making this more interesting, I guess I should never underestimate the power of them! Now it appears most of what I wrote is irrelevant, Apologies for that!