Alpha 14 Combat Difficulty (help with combat tuning!)

As soon as a stone golem thing killed the chief i had like 25 goblins descending on my little town from the hills. luckily 2 footman alone managed to hold them. it just took a lot of strength potions and my town militias help. I only lost 4 workers too :stuck_out_tongue: Could have been much worse

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Not sure if the right place here (its more a bug report/feature request).
I am not to happy about the looting system of the enemys. It happens very often that goblins apperars from somewere and reach my major stockpile (i haven`t saved it very good, so thats fine) and steal something, maybe leather or a stone. Then the goblin trys to return and my fighters stop arrived and kill them easly. The droped items are counted as loot. This kind of loot will never automaticaly picked up by workers. But it is only some meter next to my main stockpile, direct in the heart of my settlement.

Expected Result:
Workers should automatical loot items if its realy near. eg inside the village or on a frequently passed way (between mining place and create). This would make something easier or nice. more shaped.

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@talamatur, that is intentional (to keep your workers from running into the midst of a battle to get the dropped item, but I definitely understand your frustration that they do not retrieve it once all the enemies are dead.

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Maybe fighter loot automaticaly (after finishing fighting or if they are on patrol). This would fit the to game mechanics.

Had a question regarding combat. Are the vernus (gator) type mob suppose to ever show up in the desert? Cause that is the only mob I never see while play RC in desert. I ask because of the new potion added for courage.

As if what I think is the case, that means RC will not be able to get those potions via crafting. Not seen a shop for it either… Since the recipe requires a drop from those, that is why I ask.

Really it’s fight or flight, so instead of standing there cowering they should be running or fighting. I’m ok with them not fighting, I’m not ok with them standing around getting killed. I had an instance of this EXACT same thing. Mining a cave the same distance from the flag as the first building going up (IE Close!) and 3 wolves spawn behind the miner then she cowers then they go to work. At half health she decided to flee (great!) she gets to the bend in the tunnel where she would be able to see the light of day aaand she turns around and runs back to where she was mining and cowers and dies (horrible). The cool new combat and adventure really highlights the poor hearthling AI it seems.

Alpha 14 Dev 2820

Loving the combat in this, I got lucky on my last 2 of 3 saves and a merchant traded me giant skull axes, I equipped the two footmen with them and bronze, and as of month 3 the two of them hadn’t had any trouble and they never needed a herbalist, but on the 3rd save I’m going through now, I wasn’t offered them but my two footmen are kicking butt with the stone mauls so far in the 1st month, however though this playthrough I did need my herbalist! :smiley: Loving it guys!

I had around ten to fifteen goblins loitering in front of my main gate. Got my garrison of three slowly ready for battle when all the greenskins got eaten by wolves one by one without fighting back. A little disappointing since I expected a rather big battle. Actually they did fight back, but always only the one being actually attacked, and really slowly at that.

Now at 25ish Hearthlings still with only three fighters with top tier equip. They manage to kill everything without a scratch, be it large golems, necromancers or the odd Varanus. Built the settlement in a valley, in order to keep encounters low which seems to work. Right now I wouldn’t mind stronger enemies, though I might just try starting a new town in some plains to see how hard that is.

Alpha 14, Release 519

Small RC village (2 buildings) surrounded by mountains.
9 villagers

Monster info:
1 green crawling thing (cant come up with the name :D)
Was the first encouter. Rather very soon. At day 2
2 Goblin raiders
4 Zombies/mummies

No camps found or graveyards or giant monsters

Footman Info:
1 Footman level 1: Stone Maul , no armor yet
(after fights i set him to villager again to help build etc…)

Game info (viewable from town overview screen - i hotkey):

My biggest problem with combat is not the combat but the spawning, because in the end it leaves a big brown patch.

Alpha 14 Dev 2820 monster palooza (albeit smaller one)

3 Giant Zombies
2 Big Goblin Camps with Wolves (from wolves unleashed event)
9 Small Goblin fires
3 Crypts
1 pack of untamed wolves

5 lvl 6
2 lvl 5
1 lvl 4
1 lvl 2

All in Steel armor/helm/shield. All have steel 2hnd sword except 3 have iron club (No trader will trade me bone axes :frowning:

1 lvl 6 footmen died (1st responder took on 2 zombies by herself)
1 workder died (newly spawned in middle of wolf pack)

Before the explosion of enemies, there were about 2-3 groups of enemies already deposed of for that day.

UPDATE: Forgot my town overview (I had 31 but that 1 worker died already) This was on Day 21 Raimon (it says release 519, but that’s cuz I loaded the save to take screenshot)

I think the reward is not dying. :smiley:

Just a short comment -

It seems that “ambient” encounters appear way too close to the village. I often have several big zombies only a short distance out of my village, and sometimes wolf packs (I assume they’re meant to be ambient encounters).

If it’s not going to be an imminent danger to me and actually advance on my town, it doesn’t make much sense to be lingering on the outskirts. If anything I send my one highly proficient footman to go kill giant zombies and wolves simply because they make annoying sounds or visually distract me.

Would be good to have them further away, with more challenge and better rewards. Then the player is not only having a little adventure, they’re also sacrificing town security for a short time by sending away soldiers.

I guess the fact that a lone footman can slaughter a bunch of wolves or a giant zombie with no harm also feels a little bit lame. Either more mortal peril, or other less lethal modifiers such as a damage debuff when you’re outnumbered, would make one-man-armies more of an interesting experience instead of just a steamroller.

All of that said, I LOVE the fact that enemies will often fight each other!

(I’m only on my first game of Stonehearth in a good few months, so haven’t seen what other fresh maps might bring up)

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some one mentioned crypts and im experiencing a daily crypt after beating ogos army granted i have a 7 man army and a 32 hearthing town but come on daily crypts and goblins and zombie attacks my army cant rest long enough to be patched up by the herbalist and the cleric isent healing people very well

Time to get a second cleric then. Cause once orcs and kobolds show up, the undead will look like a piece of cake…

Ascendency playing in desert

Monster info:
Giant goblins, third gong competition
One group of 2 with 2 archers, one group of approx 8

Footman Info:
3 Knights, highest available armor and weapons (from lvl 6 blacksmith)
1 Archer, curved bow with spike/ice quiver
1 Cleric, best circlet available
All lvl 6

Game info
Total net worth:20174
Total number of Hearthling: 20

Totally loving the updates and improvements, thanks for all the hard work!

1st, my warrior squad has a variable level of responsiveness to the attack command. Sometimes they will go right away, but sometimes they will not respond at all. Twice in my current game enemies broke through my defenses because the warriors just wouldn’t respond. I use multiple barriers so that I have time for my defenders to get there.

Currently I have two squads of giant orcs trying to attack from two different directions. Both gates have deterrent chimes, one is repelling them and the other is not, and at the one not repelling they keep breaking through the door and my squad refuses to attack. I keep reloading trying to see if my defenders will actually respond, but they haven’t yet.

Just thought I would let you know,

I found this thread a little too late, so I have no detailed statistic about my fights, but I managed to get through the hole game/Red Kiln campaign (day 35 or so) without loosing any soldier. In the end I had 8 soldiers (3 archers, 2 knights, 2 healers and one footman) and that’s ok for a military focus (in my opinion).
What bugs me is that after getting a medic, you don’t need your herbalist anymore and that the best fighting tactic in the middle/endgame is a big blob.
-Your knights are drawing the enemies in and the healing aura effect seems limited in range --> place your healers in the middle of combat, they are no threat and won’t be targeted

-The enemy’s healer is a nuisance? shoot him --> move your archers archers to the first line

-Yay! You won, anyone hurt? --> Heal them on-site and move on

In my case most fights could only end in a complete defeat or victory (as me and the enemy had clerics). Only in the beginning is a Pyrrhiv victory possible, like loosing one of your footmen and the other one is now severely injured and can’t take on whatever awaits him at home.
On the other hand you have (nearly) no chance after loosing one of your key figures/fighter types (like archer, healer or knight), because you have no way of direct-training archers/knights or militia stone throwers which is tricky in some defense situations (when you have the advantage of walls and gates, although the enemy shoots right through them).
It would also be strange to keep some lvl 3 footman in storage for replacement (just my opinion).
So I think unless we get some training dummies for our footmen, we could need some sort of ranged militia or separate the archer from the footman and get him an upgraded class (or make him the upgraded javelin/rock/whatever thrower).

Btw: I haven’t found combat on the trello board, are there more planned features or is someone working on it (not just the tuning)?

Edit: What about a simple health system like in RimWorld? The old veteran might loose a hand/finger/foot and can now only use one-handed weapons or moves much slower than everyone else. This would also create new choices: Keep the injured, but experienced fighter or replace him with an unskilled newbie.