Adding Class Count to job tree

WARNING: Massive Paint Skills! Viewer Discretion Is Advised!

So when I saw the new job tree, the first thing which come to my mind is a count for the number of class members and tools in your town. Something like this:

(left = tools, right = class members)

So I have the most important informations in view without any rollover or waiting…

Greetz Programmierer


I really like this concept! :+1:

although i believe the intent is for the icon to be grayed out, if there is no associated (and available) class tool, no?

[quote=“SteveAdamo, post:2, topic:7698”]
although i believe the intent is for the icon to be grayed out, if there is no associated (and available) class tool, no?[/quote]
Yeah, maybe I was thinking one step too far, but I had a RPG/Combat-Class-System in mind, where you need something like a crossbow and a bowmen level 2 to get a crossbowmen. Then a grayed out icon would show, that you have 5 crossbows but no bowmen…

After all it’s more about to have a nice overview. So I can see I have 8 footmen and 3 swords, so I have to produce 4 more to get my little 15-men-squad…