Hey all you stonehearthers, and I would like to show you a little build I’m making based of a Roman Auxiliary Fort! None of it’s built yet except the ditch around it, and I hope that it won’t break my game
Will do my friend. I’m keeping a save to before I start building just in case it does not work so I could also use the console cheat (I’m not keen on doing that, I like to be more realistic) but thanks!
Thanks! It’s good to know that you like this current design @SteveAdamo. I hope that this build will be successful as well. Maybe I can get the rank of Competent Architect
I am looking forward to see more detailed screenshots + details + how to! builds and also the interior … I will definitely follow this thread. Maybe @Pandemic can create some great stuff with this layout and @LukSyLuks may create some TUTORIALS in his youtube channel Who knows!