A couple Questions

What affects the morale of a village? a couple times now the morale of a village would drop below the baseline “4” and nothing I did would raise it, made houses for each villager, gave them dressers, curtains etc but morale doesn’t appear to raise once it fell below 4.

The combat music when a footman kills an enemy, does that same tune play for anything else? if not, it starts to sound off every now and then for no reason, even when no enemies are around. I did notice another post about the combat music but not sure it’s the same problem as it isn’t running all the time, just the little tidy of a finished off enemy.

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i’m not cetain about the first part of your question, but,

[quote=“Unatan2, post:1, topic:15907”]
The combat music when a footman kills an enemy, does that same tune play for anything else? if not, it starts to sound off every now and then for no reason, even when no enemies are around. I did notice another post about the combat music but not sure it’s the same problem as it isn’t running all the time, just the little tidy of a finished off enemy.
[/quote] have you checked to see if there is an enemy stuck on the outskirts of your town, if so i have noticed that whenever a footmen gets close to them and then walks away, the “victory” music will play.

hope that made sense.

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Morale is affected by a few things. Check your Town Inventory screen for a breakdown of the kinds.

Food: If they eat the same stuff all the time, they’ll get a bit fed up.
Shelter: If they sleep on the ground for any reason, that hearthlings morale will go down and only go back up after they’ve slept in a bed again.
Safety: For each hearthling that has been attacked (Footman excepted I think), morale will go down. Also being on low health or dying is bad for town morale. Morale goes up for each day each hearthling remains unmolested.


As a mathematician I enjoy numbers and something about the morale is bugging me, how exactly is the overall morale worked out from these three?

I would presume each of the three is out of 10 and that the overall morale is the mean of these three (added all up and divided by three) but as you can see from the picture this isn’t the case.

In this case if it is worked out as an overall mean then my overall morale should be 5.8 not 5.2
(for the maths nerd like me 5+5.5+7=17.5 17.5/3=5.83 to 2d.p.)

I don’t understand how an overall morale can be lower than all the values put into it?

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well one thing could be causing the numbers to not add up is that shelter currently cant go above 5, unless thats changed since A 10… man i need to play the game more…


Yep, looked all around and saw nothing.

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@littlestick you have some legit questions. I would be interested to hear the details of how the morale is made up. paging @sdee @SteveAdamo @RepeatPan @Froggy @chessmaster42 @honestabelink and any other coding masters (sorry if I didn’t mention you.) Please share some light on this topic with us.

(@littlestick consider renaming the title of this topic to something like “The Morale Meter: How is it Generated?” or making a new topic dedicated to this discussion. By doing so you will grab the attention of the coding experts.)

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Hmmm This looks like an issue with the food score calculation where food is no longer contributing to overall score. I’ll put it in the bug queue to be fixed in alpha 12.


Thanks @yshan and patches :smiley:

If there are enemies left, there should still be a warning in your notifications that can show you where they are, at least that has always worked for me.