[Res] [Alpha 9]64 Bit Version doesnt recognize Graphics card and crashes after generating world

My Pc Specs:
Windows 8 64-bit
Intel Core i7 3630QM @ 2.40GHz
Generic PnP Monitor (1600x900@60Hz)
Intel HD Graphics 4000 (Toshiba)
3071MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670M (Toshiba)

How To Replicate:
Switch to 64 bit version in options menu and start the game (it doesnt recognize my nvidia graphics card)

Click start game and choose a location.
Click Begin
It generates the world fine:

And then it crashes.

2015-Mar-24 16:40:27.028571 | server | 1 | app | Stonehearth Version (x64)
2015-Mar-24 16:40:27.028571 | server | 1 | core.config | user id is 61d06ad8-c3b0-11e4-81af-24fd529aad43
2015-Mar-24 16:40:27.028571 | server | 1 | core.config | session id is 6297738f-d26e-11e4-acd3-24fd529aad43
2015-Mar-24 16:40:27.028571 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 35911389211, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-24 16:40:27.028571 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 35911389350, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-24 16:40:27.028571 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 35911389445, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-24 16:40:27.028571 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 35911389553, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-24 16:40:27.028571 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 35911389679, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-24 16:40:27.028571 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 35911389797, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-24 16:40:27.028571 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 35911389942, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-24 16:40:27.028571 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 35911390080, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-24 16:40:27.028571 | server | 0 | core.system | Initializing crash reporter
2015-Mar-24 16:40:27.559850 | server | 0 | lua.code | lua jit disabled in 64-bit builds. set force_lua_jit to override
2015-Mar-24 16:40:27.559850 | server | 0 | lua.data | lua jit is disabled
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.231757 | server | 1 | resources | Modules are verified pristine.
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.247383 | server | 1 | app | Running Stonehearth server on port 17304
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.247383 | server | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “lualibs/unclasslib.lua”.
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.263009 | server | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “modules/common.lua”.
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.263009 | server | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “modules/timer.lua”.
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.263009 | server | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “stonehearth/stonehearth/lib/loot_table/loot_table.lua”.
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.263009 | server | 0 | mod stonehearth | greedy task scheduling enabled
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.278635 | server | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “stonehearth/radiant/modules/filtered_trace.lua”.
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.294261 | server | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “stonehearth/stonehearth/lib/entity_forms/entity_forms_lib.lua”.
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.544275 | client | 1 | horde.general | Initializing GL2 backend using OpenGL driver ‘4.0.0 - Build’ by ‘Intel’ on 'Intel® HD Graphics 4000’
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.700532 | client | 1 | horde.general | Unable to create fbo: 36054, 2
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.700532 | client | 1 | horde.general | Couldn’t reallocate shadow cascade buffer (8192^2). Trying with a lower resolution.
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.763035 | server | 2 | network | server allocating new send buffer (total: 0)
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.841164 | client | 1 | browser | cef started.
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.841164 | client | 2 | browser | Navigate called without an existing browser!
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.841164 | thread7500 | 2 | browser | Doing a buffered navigation…
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.856792 | client | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “lualibs/unclasslib.lua”.
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.856792 | client | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “modules/common.lua”.
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.856792 | client | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “modules/timer.lua”.
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.856792 | client | 2 | network | client allocating new send buffer (total: 0)
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.872416 | client | 1 | client.core | user feedback is on
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.888041 | server | 2 | network | server allocating new send buffer (total: 0)
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.939309 | server | 2 | network | server allocating new send buffer (total: 0)
2015-Mar-24 16:40:28.991345 | server | 2 | network | server allocating new send buffer (total: 0)
2015-Mar-24 16:40:29.043380 | server | 2 | network | server allocating new send buffer (total: 0)
2015-Mar-24 16:40:29.095415 | server | 2 | network | server allocating new send buffer (total: 0)
2015-Mar-24 16:40:29.147449 | server | 1 | simulation.remote_client | started buffering client updates. (seq:10 ack:0)
2015-Mar-24 16:40:29.198482 | server | 1 | simulation.remote_client | stopped buffering client updates. (seq:10 ack:10)
2015-Mar-24 16:40:43.257692 | client | 1 | client.core | reporting sysinfo
2015-Mar-24 16:41:01.624016 | client | 1 | lua.code | unrecognized object type ‘boxed’ in json_to_lua!
2015-Mar-24 16:41:01.624016 | client | 1 | lua.code | unrecognized object type ‘boxed’ in json_to_lua!
2015-Mar-24 16:41:01.970572 | client | 1 | horde.general | raw shader compile error: ERROR: 0:82: ‘const 3-component vector of float’ : cannot declare arrays of this qualifier
ERROR: 0:82: ‘const’ : non-matching types (using implicit conversion) for const initializer
ERROR: 0:184: ‘=’ : cannot convert from ‘3X3 matrix of float’ to ‘3-component vector of float’

2015-Mar-24 16:41:01.970572 | client | 1 | horde.general | Shader resource ‘shaders/ssao.shader’: Failed to compile shader.
2015-Mar-24 16:41:01.970572 | client | 0 | app | Assertion Failed: i != end(c:\rb\root\sh-ob0-build\stonehearth\source\horde3d\source\horde3dengine\egRendererBase.h:65)
2015-Mar-24 16:41:02.357763 | server | 1 | simulation.remote_client | started buffering client updates. (seq:265 ack:255)

This will fix your problem and get you playing again, but not the problem:

Control Panel or Right Click your desktop. Select NVIDIA Control Panel.

Manage 3D Settings on left hand Pane.

Click Add and navigate to \Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth\x64 and add the stonehearth.exe

Select your Graphics processor in the dropdown.

Here is a screenshot of what it should look like


still doesnt fix the crash

Mind reposting your log with the new errors?

You definitely selected the stonehearth.exe inside the x64 folder and not the one in stonehearth? Seems strange that one would work and not the other.

Not sure why I posted that, I didnt try it yet. Been busy. ignore that XD

Just tested it and got the same exact crash.
I know im using the 64 bit driver for my nvidia not sure why its not working.

also even though I set it to use nvidia in the nvidia control panel it is still not recognizing my graphics card.

log here:
2015-Mar-25 18:59:34.215339 | server | 1 | app | Stonehearth Version (x64)
2015-Mar-25 18:59:34.215339 | server | 1 | core.config | user id is 61d06ad8-c3b0-11e4-81af-24fd529aad43
2015-Mar-25 18:59:34.215339 | server | 1 | core.config | session id is fc50d2af-d34a-11e4-95f3-24fd529aad43
2015-Mar-25 18:59:34.215339 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 257472003101, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-25 18:59:34.215339 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 257472003182, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-25 18:59:34.215339 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 257472003307, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-25 18:59:34.215339 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 257472003417, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-25 18:59:34.215339 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 257472003606, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-25 18:59:34.215339 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 257472003731, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-25 18:59:34.215339 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 257472003919, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-25 18:59:34.215339 | server | 1 | core.timer | QPC count: 257472004046, frequency: 2338440
2015-Mar-25 18:59:34.215339 | server | 0 | core.system | Initializing crash reporter
2015-Mar-25 18:59:34.762242 | server | 0 | lua.code | lua jit disabled in 64-bit builds. set force_lua_jit to override
2015-Mar-25 18:59:34.762242 | server | 0 | lua.data | lua jit is disabled
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.434152 | server | 1 | resources | Modules are verified pristine.
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.465409 | server | 1 | app | Running Stonehearth server on port 52934
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.481029 | server | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “lualibs/unclasslib.lua”.
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.481029 | server | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “modules/common.lua”.
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.481029 | server | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “modules/timer.lua”.
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.481029 | server | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “stonehearth/stonehearth/lib/loot_table/loot_table.lua”.
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.496656 | server | 0 | mod stonehearth | greedy task scheduling enabled
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.512283 | server | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “stonehearth/radiant/modules/filtered_trace.lua”.
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.512283 | server | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “stonehearth/stonehearth/lib/entity_forms/entity_forms_lib.lua”.
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.699791 | client | 1 | horde.general | Initializing GL2 backend using OpenGL driver ‘4.0.0 - Build’ by ‘Intel’ on 'Intel® HD Graphics 4000’
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.902927 | server | 2 | network | server allocating new send buffer (total: 0)
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.949834 | client | 1 | browser | cef started.
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.949834 | client | 2 | browser | Navigate called without an existing browser!
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.949834 | thread4752 | 2 | browser | Doing a buffered navigation…
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.965429 | client | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “lualibs/unclasslib.lua”.
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.965429 | client | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “modules/common.lua”.
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.965429 | client | 1 | lua.code | could not find path for lua script “modules/timer.lua”.
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.965429 | client | 2 | network | client allocating new send buffer (total: 0)
2015-Mar-25 18:59:35.981057 | client | 1 | client.core | user feedback is on
2015-Mar-25 18:59:36.027934 | server | 2 | network | server allocating new send buffer (total: 0)
2015-Mar-25 18:59:36.079202 | server | 2 | network | server allocating new send buffer (total: 0)
2015-Mar-25 18:59:36.131237 | server | 2 | network | server allocating new send buffer (total: 0)
2015-Mar-25 18:59:36.181270 | server | 2 | network | server allocating new send buffer (total: 0)
2015-Mar-25 18:59:36.233304 | server | 2 | network | server allocating new send buffer (total: 0)
2015-Mar-25 18:59:50.451258 | client | 1 | client.core | reporting sysinfo
2015-Mar-25 18:59:57.550210 | client | 1 | renderer.render_info | could not load qubicle file: invalid file path ‘’.
2015-Mar-25 18:59:57.550210 | client | 1 | renderer.render_info | could not load qubicle file: invalid file path ‘’.
2015-Mar-25 18:59:57.550210 | client | 1 | renderer.render_info | could not load qubicle file: invalid file path ‘’.
2015-Mar-25 18:59:57.550210 | client | 1 | renderer.render_info | could not load qubicle file: invalid file path ‘’.
2015-Mar-25 19:00:07.114315 | client | 1 | renderer.render_info | could not load qubicle file: invalid file path ‘’.
2015-Mar-25 19:00:13.475555 | client | 1 | renderer.render_info | could not load qubicle file: invalid file path ‘’.
2015-Mar-25 19:00:16.109549 | client | 1 | lua.code | unrecognized object type ‘boxed’ in json_to_lua!
2015-Mar-25 19:00:16.109549 | client | 1 | lua.code | unrecognized object type ‘boxed’ in json_to_lua!
2015-Mar-25 19:00:16.476412 | client | 1 | horde.general | raw shader compile error: ERROR: 0:82: ‘const 3-component vector of float’ : cannot declare arrays of this qualifier
ERROR: 0:82: ‘const’ : non-matching types (using implicit conversion) for const initializer
ERROR: 0:184: ‘=’ : cannot convert from ‘3X3 matrix of float’ to ‘3-component vector of float’

2015-Mar-25 19:00:16.476412 | client | 1 | horde.general | Shader resource ‘shaders/ssao.shader’: Failed to compile shader.
2015-Mar-25 19:00:16.477413 | client | 0 | app | Assertion Failed: i != end(c:\rb\root\sh-ob0-build\stonehearth\source\horde3d\source\horde3dengine\egRendererBase.h:65)
2015-Mar-25 19:00:16.799970 | server | 1 | simulation.remote_client | started buffering client updates. (seq:392 ack:382)
2015-Mar-25 19:00:20.999849 | client | 0 | sysinfo | Memory Stats: Fatal Exception
2015-Mar-25 19:00:20.999849 | client | 0 | sysinfo | Total System Memory: 7.887 GB (8468525056 bytes)
2015-Mar-25 19:00:20.999849 | client | 0 | sysinfo | Current Memory Usage: 1.305 GB (1401430016 bytes)
2015-Mar-25 19:00:20.999849 | client | 0 | sysinfo | Total Address Space: 8.000 TB (8796092891136 bytes)
2015-Mar-25 19:00:20.999849 | client | 0 | sysinfo | Available Address Space: 7.998 TB (8793811374080 bytes)
2015-Mar-25 19:00:20.999849 | client | 0 | sysinfo | Used Address Space: 2.125 GB (2281517056 bytes)

Is it the latest graphics card driver, by any chance? Paging in @not_owen_wilson!

yes, I just recently updated.

1 Like

@not_owen_wilson can you help me?

Try forcing the setting in global rather than the application itself:

Failing that, switching your battery mode to high performance should default to the discrete Nvidia GPU.

1 Like

Already tried that, still didnt work, and I always have my laptop in high performance mode, its clearly a bug.
paging @sdee

Hardware incompatibility?

But… the 32 bit version of the game works?

1 Like

yes the 32 bit version does work , perfectly.

1 Like

Aha. @not_owen_wilson reports that he has a fix for this. I will let him point the finger where the finger deserves to be pointed. :wink:


Huzzah, cant wait for the fix

As of right now this issue remains unfixed, if it is fixed can someone link me to the fix, because I would like to play with the 64 bit version.

Also why is this flagged as performance, it is a BUG, and it needs to be fixed :expressionless:
It is now reflagged as a bug

@untrustedlife, sorry for not having warned, but we’re moving some active bugs to the new performance category. This doesn’t mean that they aren’t bugs :wink:
(It’s just that Discourse doesn’t support another level of sub-categories. If it did, you’d seen it under Active Bugs.)

This issue is a crash with a graphic card in 64-bit version. Which means that there is a performance issue that makes that version of the game don’t like your rig.

Consider this as better for you, there’s less topics in this category so your thread should be more visible for the devs :smile:

The reason why we created the performance category is to group all the crash and performance related bugs, so TR can focus on them and see better the development of the game in terms of performance through the Alphas, as well as our system needs and most affected rigs.

I havent tested new version yet… any idea if/when this will be fixed?

Hm, Chris said it was fixed quite some time ago–so please let us know if it’s fixed on the newest build.

welp, I tested it same issue, same crash. 64bit.

I have send crash reports allowed though so hopefully it will be seen.

Hm, sorry to hear that. Can you post (or PM me) your user ID too, so we can cross reference?

Paging @not_owen_wilson, again.