Asterai's Qube thingies

of course… :smile:

you matched the horse attire to the units very nicely… i wasnt sure how horse armor would “read”, but that looks just about perfect…

Cool, now we definately need mounted combat.

what program did you use if you don’t mind me asking…

Qubicle Constructor Home Edition for modeling, a student copy of 3ds Max for animating.

Common horse markings for head and legs.

The way I’ve made these, I’m pretty sure I can apply these white markings as a template onto any solid color horse quickly and easily. The black you see is a placeholder marking out where the head goes, not intended to be what this would look like on a real case.


Horse mane and tail styles:

Big ears and whisk tails for donkeys, mules, and zebras:
And a sneak peek at some other stuff I’m fiddling with.


monkeys and weasels? oh, it’s a party now! :smile:

love all your model variations … have you been able to import them into the game, with random “parts”?


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No, sadly, not yet. I took a run at figuring out how to do that yesterday and couldn’t find what I needed. I could probably import horses as, say, tree replacements, but as actual moving critters? With model variations? Not yet.

I also made some birch trees, so I’ll try setting those up as overrides and mixins later, that being the simplest and most explicit example we have of a mod. Make sure I understand everything there.

Speaking of, YOU read everything in here. If someone else has figured out critter import OR part variations (not just whole model replacements, like we do with the trees), could you point me to their threads?

I may need to make this a part of the world of Stonehearth. What do weasels leave behind when they die? Not weasel meat, silly, weasel SPICE. If you keep domesticated weasels and sweep out their pens, you get weasel spice; you can also raid the dens of wild weasels. They’re particularly fond of weasel trees, whose nuts can be processed into spice. Or… something.

A good start is to look how they do it with humans. In stonehearth/entities/humans


   "type" : "entity",
   "mixins": "stonehearth:mixins:base_human", 
   "components": {
      "render_info" : {
         "animation_table" : "file(/data/rigs/humans/skeletons/male.json)"
      "model_variants": [
            "models": [
                  "type": "one_of",
                  "items": [

You could specify the part you want to vary. Then ‘type: one_of’ and the qb-files like in the json.

I’d love to see a spoiler of that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Is it just a reskin or your own model? I’ve had no sort of luck trying to make trees. . . [quote=“Asterai, post:50, topic:524”]
sweep out their pens, you get weasel spice
This idea scares me. . . and sounds unsanitary :fearful: :wink:

New model. I’ll get a pic up tonight, can’t access it from here.

Sweetness. :slight_smile: Maybe/hopefully you’ll be my spark of inspiration. No pressure. :sweat_smile:

I have no idea why you would consider weasel spice unsanitary. It is an ingredient in many of my people’s traditional dishes, and integral to our culture. How dare you. /jk


Log (far left) not to scale.
Hard to see against a white background >.<


I really love these birches but i think they are bit too light and maybe have some trees with different amount of leaves on them but nice start and birches are my favourite kind of tree

The trees look very neat, But I gotta ask, Why did you design them in that particular way? I went ahead and did a google search for Birch Trees and…

… None of them seem to look that way, Appearing like there are two trees stacked on top of eachother.

There isn’t anything wrong with the trees, I’m just a little curious about what reference you had for your trees.

if I had to guess, to have them follow the basic SH design… if so, job well done! the trees look great… :smiley:


Try searching for juniper trees. Or for that matter, for oaks.

Oaks are kind of the archetypal deciduous tree, at least where I live, so I can kind of understand taking a completely anonymous tree model and claiming it’s an oak. And junipers… they can have a lot of shapes, from shrubby little groundcover bushes to twisted, ancient survivors. There is one common shape that kinda resembles the in-game plant, but it’s thinner, and always tapers at the top. Always.

So I looked at what characteristics the in-game plants have in common, and how they are different from the original, living plants. The ingame models are boxy, and I don’t just mean they’re made of voxels, I mean the devs really embraced the rectangle. They’re rotationally symmetric, or pretty close to; turn them 180 degrees and they look the same as they did before. Their shapes are simple, and the shading patterns on them are geometrical, rather than random.

And what do the models have in common with the plants? A deciduous-tree shape for the oak; a tall, slender shape for the juniper. That’s about it. One characteristic to link the model to the plant.

So what is the most distinctive characteristic of the birch? That striped trunk, no question, but after that… birch trees leave an impression of tall slender shapes in my mind. The foliage is secondary. The distinguishing characteristic is the trunk.

So I thought up a shape that would let me show the trunk a lot without resorting to ridiculous amounts of detail, a silhouette that was tall and slender but couldn’t be mistaken for the juniper. As it is, my models have about twice as many voxels in each dimension than the in-game models of similarly sized trees. I will be refining these further; I suspect I can make the trunk-striping more patterned while retaining the illusion of randomness, and that I can “blockify” the foliage shapes a bit more without serious damage.

So… yeah, I know it doesn’t look like the real thing. :slight_smile: But I hope it will fit in well.

@Gridnick: If you mean the trunks are too light, you’re probably right. I may need to tone down the brightness contrast a bit. I’d make more varied models if I was going for a realistic look, but as I explained above, that’s not exactly my goal here.

@SteveAdamo: Thanks!