Haha yeah we only mentioned mindcrack because it’s assumed that these people were friends prior to the release of minecraft…probably found each other during alpha/beta testing and made that niche. I was only proposing the same idea but with Stonehearth
I’d try to do other collabs with you guys but i’m a new father, still a fairly new husband and have a full time job so I have zero free time to do collabs ATM. I’m hoping things might change and one day I don’t need the full time job but all systems go until then.
The only idea I have for you guys is maybe to do a little challenge type series, Maybe communicate over Skype or something, And pretty much someone challenges someone, Then if the person challenged complete’s it, They get to challenge someone else in the group. All being Stonehearth related obviously. That’s all I could think off at the moment
[quote=“8BitCrab, post:24, topic:10744”]
that would require that i got skype
[/quote] I do not like skype . . . .
I would love to do this YouTube friends thing! I had a YouTube Channel for stonehearth back in Alpha 1,2 and 3 but got to busy. I am geting to be more free though so I am going to start up a new channel with New about stonehearth soon as well as game play and I would love love love to play with you guys as soon as multiplayer is out and working!
[quote=“Stoneheartfan, post:23, topic:10744”]
The only idea I have for you guys is maybe to do a little challenge type series
[/quote] That would be fun I like this idea a lot!
[quote=“Stoneheartfan, post:23, topic:10744”]
Maybe communicate over Skype or something
[/quote] Skype and I do not go well lol. But I use other things such as google hangout as well as steam some times.
[quote=“christiazn0321, post:21, topic:10744”]
i’m a new father,
[/quote] Congratulations!
Ah, Sorry about the Skype thing, I didn’t mean you’d have to by any means or anything, I just said Skype because it’s the most common communication software thingy, But yeah, Sorry didn’t mean to make it seem like Skype would be required or anything, We could probably do comments here or something. I haven’t really spoke in my video’s yet, Bit nervous to do so, But I’m going to be adding a few new series where I do, So I’ll see how that goes. Any form of communication is good
Yeah something that might be fun for us to do in the meantime is have build offs. Or maybe have records that we all try to break but have a recording of it? Idk… It’s hard to think of stuff we can do without a multiplayer aspect to the game yet.
I was thinking, too, we could have challenges…like “Build a castle” and then make a forum post and have people vote on it by liking a video or something…or maybe likes in the post.
Idk…we could even have a survivor challenge… begins thinking of stuff
I really like some idea’s here, Build off’s I’d love to be apart of! Maybe add a twist too, like limit resources and you have to make the best thing possible being creative ect. (Just an Idea, but I do love the build off idea) With this we could also share content to add, Like if someone challenged me, I’d like to add little clips from there channel showing what they last did ect. And also pollinate viewers is a good idea. But yeah, Loving the idea’s that are coming up now
Yeah me too. I think I might get a basline setup for the build off challenge! I’ll let these posts sit for a bit and see if there are other interested Video Creators!
I like the idea of limited resources…it might be hard to properly judge that though…I guess you could show your inventory before you start building. Hmmm
I was also thinking a time limit would be nice…like build it in 5 days…
We could even also have something creative generic like “Build a statue” to something specific like “Build the Eiffel Tower”.
Thoughts? Ideas? I’m open for anything! Like where this is leading! It’s getting my creative juices flowing.
We could even do something like Collected X amount of resources…or fastest build to X number of an item (Full Plate or something "end game)…
If you are looking for a colab or contributor then i might be able to help out. I have my own channel over at YouTube . I wouldn’t say its family friendly but i can make family friendly videos when needed.
What about monetization? if the videos generate money, how will it be split and who is in charge of the account? (sorry if its been asked before)
We’re using our own accounts…soo whatever money you generate on your video you get
You cuz it’s your own account.
This isn’t one big account…it’s just a gathering of fellow Video Creators wanting to share their passion for Stonehearth, gaming, and playing with others!
Right i thought you meant that we would set up a “network” channel which we would all upload videos too. Like machinima.
A support network works as well. We can all benefit from collaborations. Were you thinking perhapse multiplayer challenges? like 30 mins video where we all aim to build the best structure we can in that time?
I think we can have a lot of fun with this to be honest.
Since Multiplayer isn’t in yet and once my personal cloud is finished (almost there) I’m going to be starting up a couple Minecraft servers (FTB and Vanilla) if anyone is interested.
Gonna try to find some polling stuff I can do. I have a couple challenge ideas in my head and wanted to get a vote going that we can all try to do.
I’ll probably make another thread and then post the challenge and have a deadline. Once we get all the entries to a voting thing…by likes maybe?..and call it a day ;p
@christiazn0321 I would definitely be interested. I have recently set up a channel, no videos on there yet but I have them recorded just got to process them but should be up in next few days i hope. Would love to do a Stonehearth multi-player as I am definitely going to do a single player. @Krovikan I would also love to do some FTB its been a while since I played Minecraft and a single player world gets boring after a while
For right now I have installed the Mod Pack Resurrection, raid/battles I take it you mean PVP attack each other’s bases? If so for right now I was thinking to have it peaceful, no griefing, leave a sign if you prank (pranks should be good natured, not malicious). As we get to know each other, I think a raid/battles section / server may be fun, we’ll have to see.