You're Banned! (Forum Game)

I hereby ban @Geoffers747 for not banning anyone.

*Sorry man, I had to do it. *
#Cowers in fear

I ban @ManOfRet for cowering in fear ‘The man that runs away lives to die another day.’

i ban @Gridnick for not realizing when to cower

I hereby ban @SteveAdamo for not knowing that you should never cower

I ban @Gridnick for knowing that you should not know that you should never cower

I ban @Gridnick for not realizing @ManOfRet should cower before me and my skill with a spear in Starbound.

I also ban @Alfie for being in London for the weekend and not being able to play starbound with me

I ban @Newf for thinking dogs can play starbound

Darn it, Dwalus, why can’t you satisfy my bloodthirsty tastes! :frowning:

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I ban @Swift_Cube for having bloodthirsty tastes!

I ban @Alfie for playing this game while I was at the movies.

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I ban @freeboy99007 for being at the movies.

I hereby Ban @EpicDwarf for Banning @freeboy99007 who was trying to take a movie breather from all of this!

I ban @KingMooCow because I watched The Hobbit. :slight_smile:

I hereby ban @Dwalus for watching a film with his own race in it

I ban @Gridnick for still having a geometric pattern as an avatar.

I ban @Alfie because you seem to have a problem with geometric patterns. Are we going to have issues? :godmode:

I ban @Smokestacks for noticing I have a problem. And, yes, we may.

I ban @alfie for changing avatars

I ban @Gridnick because I was at the hobbit double feature.

I ban @freeboy99007 because he forgot to capitalize the movie title.