Forum Game: If you were a

In my newest forum game, “If you were a…,” you finish the previous “if you were a” and make a new one. Example:

…then I would fall off a cliff because you smell so bad.
If you were a spaceship…

…then I would fly into space, and then crash into you.
If you were a cow…


I’ll start us off:

If you were the Earth…

… Then i would join the Mars One mission.
If you were a Time lord…

Then I would cause a Time Paradox and make the Universe explode.

If you were a Moderator . . .

… I’d ban ALL the users.

If you were Donald Trump…

I’d buy Microsoft

If you were a PC . . .

i’d wish I were a Mac?

sorry, too easy

if you were 7’ tall…

I could play a troll in LARP.
if you were irish…

I would be a Leprechaun!

If you were @Newf . . .


If you were @DinoD123

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…I would become extinct.

If you were an Admin…

you would be dead sexah… achievement get!

if you were one of Charlie’s Angels…

…I’d wish I was a devil

If you were a towel…

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Oh god why have you wished this fate on me!

if you were @Tom

Darn, I was hoping for a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy reference. :frowning:

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Opportunity Lost.

How do I reply…

If I was a…

I’d tell people to stop being racist…

glares… :frowning:

I would have full control over you guys life.

If you were a vorgon…

A Vorgon? I don’t know what that is but if I was a vegan I’d commit suicide (Mmm tasty Beef)

If you were a Frenchman/woman…

You mean Vogon? Vorgons are extinct.