Hey guys thank you for clicking on the link and taking time to read this. This game means so much to me as it does to many of you guys. I wanted to create a big thread for most of my ideas, that i will come back and elaborate on. I know the game is still in dev., but this thread is some of the features I want to see most.
Here is the list:
1.Building specialization (you can designate a building for a specific function ex: workshop, dormitory, mess hall, etc. and buffs would be applied to the function that happens in there ex. crafters craft faster in workshop.)
2.Crops requiring water (engineer would build piping to bring water to the fields; however, close crops to lakes and rivers would not need piping)
3.A more medieval turret design for the engineer than the one that already exist, not the turnip one. Like a wooden contraption or miniature ballista. (I think we can keep the turret design if we require some sort of arcane tech or an item from the magma smith to make it; then I think the design would fit)
4.Enemies that spawn on cliffs above you or on a plateau below you should have the AI to build ladders, maybe out of bones, stone, or wood to climb up or down to get to your settlement. Or if the monsters are big enough climb/jump up or down the cliff walls .(if there is no possible preexisting path)
5.engineers give the traps to the trapper who can use them in heat of battle (but player can still manually place them) instead of placing himself. (to remove micro and utilize the skill that the trapper already has)
6.The ability to pack food in the hearthling’s backpack (button) for an adventure around the map. I could see this being useful when taking on dungeons in the future, but would come down to strategies when deciding what to put in limited space.
7.At slice (y) level 20ish bedrock appears and the player needs a miner class to dig it and below it where special ores would be found. Also miner would dig dirt and stone much faster than regular hearthling.
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8.Ability to dig and create wells. In order to get crops water before the player even comes close to an engineer, hearthlings should be able to dig wells and farmers can use them to fill buckets or watering cans to water crops. (This would mean crops require water and allow people to settle where there is no water source).
9.Ability to put holes in roofs in templates, the build editor and finished buildings. So i can have a ladder come up through the crenelated roof.
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10.Biome specific mobs/monster
11.Biome specific events/campaigns (maybe in the desert their is some type of raiders or scorpion riders, while in the forest you fight ents and druid mages)
11.5 on the point of ents in the forest, I believe they should not spawn in the desert, or if the devs want to keep them in the desert maybe the ents can have a desert re-skin to look like the acacia trees
Again I know the game is in dev. and could be changed at any moment, but seeing some of these ideas in the game would make it feel more fleshed out for me. Thank you for your patience to make it all the way here. Check back often for updates ! Also if you have any comments on my ideas post them below!