Where in the World are the Gingers? Fan Lore

When the world began, there were three kingdoms on the planet. One had pros, while one had cons. Some lived in extreme cold, while others lived in extreme heat. They were all separated by natural barriers, and barely anyone from different kingdoms were able to meet each other. Out of all these differences, they had one thing in common. In the days of old, each kingdom had a group that were different from the rest of the bunch. These were a race categorized “Gingers” by about every kingdom, considering how their hair was red like ginger.

These ginger hearthlings would just appear out of nowhere, in about every kingdom. They had a hatred for sunlight, and never worked too much on anything. Most saw them as a burden on their kingdom, while others thought there was something magical about the gingers’ hair. The gingers definitely had something strange about them and their hair. Whenever a ginger appeared, some of the other hearthlings would go stiff as a rock. These hearthlings would just stand there, twitching sometimes. They wouldn’t do their jobs, they wouldn’t eat, they wouldn’t sleep, they would just stand there.

It was labeled as the twitching fever, and every time a ginger appeared in a town, the hearthlings of the town would get the fever. It happened in every kingdom, and the poor hearthlings started to fear for their lives. Barely anyone went outside anymore. It was the beginning of a new dark ages for the hearthlings. Everyday, more gingers would appear, and more hearthlings would get the twitching fever. Every hearthling could get the fever, expect for the gingers. After months of this fever spreading, a doctor by the name of Geford McGendorf from the Northern Alliance put to and to together. The gingers were now responsible for this.

Geford and a few other remaining hearthlings captured their town ginger and question him. After days of questioning, the ginger spoke up. He told them that he, his brothers, and his sisters took the souls of the hearthlings, and that’s how they developed the twitching fever. He told them how all hearthlings will be gingers, and a new master race will start. The hearthlings killed the ginger in anger, and something truly magical happened. The souls of all the hearthlings with the twitching fever in the small town came out of the ginger’s body. The souls went back to their bodies, and the town was saved. Geford knew what he had to do, so traveled around the world, telling people the truth.

In a matter of about 10 years, about 90% of the ginger population was destroyed, and the world began to return to normal. Gingers had to go into hiding, since their race was labeled “vampires” by every kingdom. The kingdoms were able to live on, while the gingers died off. The gingers of the world all gathered in one big group, in hopes to live on. The gingers were not happy with this outcome, and they hated living under the sun, hiding in forest. They wanted revenge, no they needed revenge for the deaths of their kin. They couldn’t do it at the moment, though. They were way too weak. They needed a plan to live on. That’s when they found a big mountain. They mined their home into the mountain, and sealed themselves in. They were happy with no sun light, and soon they would have their revenge.

A ginger has not been seen for over 100 years. Some say you can see the mountain they’re sealed in, and where the entrance was. It is rumored that armed guards make sure no one tries to open the door, and release the evil inside. Some call this a legend, while some think the gingers will return one day with a massive army. An army to destroy the world they want revenge on so badly. Who knows when and if the gingers will ever return, but let’s hope we’re ready for them when they do…

Thanks for reading!
Vampire soul gingers for the win!


I’ll give my feedback soon.


Uh Oh!
Ducks for cover

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I love the fan media :smiley: It is one of the most relevant stories written to date. Definitely an enjoyable read. That being said I lived up to my name and noticed some mistakes that need fixing.

Although you have creative liberty to say what ever you want. The official lore states that all hearthlings were at first one culture. The three teachers then led them in different paths.

Change it to this “Each one’s pros were the cons of the other two.”

put two and two together*

I would remove the word “were”

That’s all I noticed on my second read through.

This almost seems like a self-hating story…Or maybe its an attempt to hide the fact that you are a ginger :wink:


I thought that all the gingers just evolved into dwarfs, or is that just me?


into dwarfs and goblins.


I decided if we can’t have ginger hearthlings, then we can have soul eating vampire hearthlings!