Hello everybody!
Lately I have been wondering about general usefulness of buildings in Stonehearth.
Basically, as the game’s development will go on, there will be more and more things to do, more decisions to make and paths you could go. Also, there will be more threats. This will probably lead to time being more and more important.
As we know, building in Stonehearth, as cool and fancy as it is, takes a lot of time. Because of that, I was trying to come up with ways to make building profitable, or even mandatory, but still I can’t seem to find good enough solution.
From what I read, I found out that destination of buildings will be determined by objects put inside of it. If that’s the case, I guess these objects (like weapon/armor racks, beds, or even tables and chairs) should be only possible to insert inside of buildings. (with some exceptions, why not have a seat outside? ), or at least on certain flooring types.
I am aware that Shelter and Happiness statistics will probably have more and more impact on the game in the future, and they’ll be strongly connected to having buildings, and this will possibly be enough to justify existence of buildings. But what about decorations? Is it even possible to make them significant to our survival?
There are also other factors to consider, such as the size of buildings, floors of them, usage of different materials and so on, and so on.
This intrigues me a lot, since making all the building essential seems very difficult to me. I don’t want to end up living in a cave or mud house, like in Minecraft
As always, sorry for any mistakes and obscurity of this post. Please give me your opinions on how big of a value buildings should represent, and how to make them work properly.