What races will be playable

i was thinking the same thing… at least in regards to which of the three kingdoms best matched with what we’ve seen/heard so far…

I reckon the magma smith is more of a northman myself, although my mental image of the northmen are a viking celt hybrid. Most of the normal houses probably suit them fairly well as well, a more asian influence though for Raya’s Children would lead to a fairly different architecture but we’ll see.

no desert people :astonished: guess il have to make a mod for it. :wink:

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I look forward to seeing your work, There’s no metallic race so I’m working on that (will be like a homage to metal arms: glitch in the system)

If there Is one Race that must be put in it should be… The Marry Poppins race!!! They will Conquer all with their Umbrellas!!! Bum Bum BUM!!!
P.S. They Marry Poppins race are a group of magical female human Nannies that have Child Labor as there main work force!!!

In the kickstarter video you have shown off the human’s as being the default race. You later on show off the combat system and how the humans are fending off an orc invasion of their town.

Are humans going to be the only playable race at first or will there be multiple options to play as?
Or will this be something that can be modded for each individual person?

If it is left to modding and Co-Op play will the other person see their friend’s newly fabricated creation as what they have made it to be? Or will it just appear as human to them?

And I guess branching a bit further out; Would each new race have a unique style of building to them? Or all modded allowing you to build your own custom housing/castle designs etc…

Anxious to see how the game comes together :slight_smile:

I believe it was mentions that humans would be the only playable race at release, but we can always mod our own race. That ay have changed, but I don’t think so. Also I believe that the idea is that all the relevant mods would be downloaded automatically for whomever is connecting to the game. Or, at least, that is the desired effect. Of course, I could be lying and/or this could all change.


What you said is current and accurate @Pendryn.

I would think that every race would have their own way of building, that’s why Tom said that humans would be the only playable race on release.

Because of all the work going into creating that feel of what human buildings/fabrications/etc should look like and have their own design kind of thing.

He said he didn’t want you to play a different race and just have different colours but rather an entirely different feel.


the ability to take control of other races be it at the start or them joining you like in FTL would be epic.

@easto1a Friendly factions might not necessarily join you, but perhaps aid you in battle along with becoming a trading partner. I would love to go to war with my mighty bunny allies aiding me in victory. :wink:

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@Lvl0User I’d love to get a few other races joining my faction as in FTL. In a similar way they could be better at building or in the case of the rabbit style people digging/mining.

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There is definitely different races. Out of the the list you said currently Dwarves and Goblins are confirmed , also the lagomorphs, however your suggestions for what’s special about them are massively wrong. They want races to play differently at a large level, so for example dwarves would likely have a lot of their class system redone to work with living underground, an idea said by one of the devs in a livestream was to make all dwarves able to carve stone for example which presumably is further along the class tree for humans.

I personally think that it would be cool to have many races that greatly affect game-play. Such as Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, Goblins, Etc. All having an impact on how the workers complete tasks. Such as Dwarves have a faster Collection speed / Building speed, but are slow and do less damage, Orcs doing a lot more damage, but greatly affecting their building. I do know that this game is VERY W.I.P and this would take a while, but possible during beta this could be implemented. Also, If you guys are looking for a Alpha/Pre-Beta tester, i would be more than happy to volunteer.

just merged a few “playable races” threads together… sorry for all the dust! :smile:

I want orcs who are allied to the goblins but enemies with humans and dwarves naturally.

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I disagree i think you should be able to make your own standing point. like say orcs are under rule of some titan dude you slay him they have no one to follow make it so they follow the strongest and then you have the choice of say letting them in or… killing them ALL BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! Sorry got a bit carried away there but thats what I would like to see. Also having it so that there is a minor chance they will see you as the greater power in the land and make it so after you have rejected/sluaghtered so many of them wanting to join you they just stop trying to join you and help the goblins or whatever else you are fighting against so you see more of them appear in fights. Well thats what I want to see and I think that would be cool for other sentiant races such as lizardmen (my favourite race) and other “evil” races to have the same thing if they aren’t going to do a playable for them.

i think we’ve heard an example similar to this, in that you might get attacked by a small raiding party, and depending on the choice the player makes (wipe them out, or repel them), there may be repercussions…

and given this example was referred to as “textbook”, we may see some other, more interesting scenarios… :smiley:

Races I Want to See…

Khajiit - (Why not? you get Skooma n.n)
Bear - (Who wouldn’t want an army of Teddybears wearing headbands : D)
Lizardmen - (They want to be loved too >.>)
Angels - (Not Angels with Halos, just a Human Species with Wings would be “Awesome”)

edit: Dude, BattleBears totally came into my mind when I re-read the bears part o_o

Im new to the post, but i really like the idea of more races. Even if their not playable. Here are some ideas:

  • Some sort of lizard people that live in swamps or temples (neutral)
    -Elf’s, that live in huge forests. (the king or leader could live in a giant tree in the middle of the forest.) (friendly)
    -A type of squid headed people that live under water (neutral)
    -trogdylites, which could live under water and have war with the other aquatic races. (hostile)
    -gnomes, which would live in big mushrooms and make contraptions. (friendly)
    -I also have an idea about demons, which come from a different plane (the nether or hell or something) and be all fiery and evil. (hostile)
    My idea is that some races will be hostile to other races and friendly to others. I think it would be cool if each race had a special class or armour to them. By the way, the thing at the end of each idea is their supposed alignment.
    I said this in more races anybody? post. Check it out!

I put up this topic so we could discuss New races, creatures, and modelling. If you have an idea, post it! Please post some cubicle creations to go along with ideas if you want.