What did I miss?

Well what do you normally read? If you’re looking to programme or write any mods for Stonehearth I’d have a look at the Bitcave run by @bitassassin or Learning how to mod Stonehearth by @neobonde.

If you liked looking at other people’s work then you’ve missed out on some seriously good stuff from people like: @RoseyNineOneOne @Froggy @voxel_pirate @TobiasSabathius @Pandemic (who also now has a thread for his web-series to come) @Paranundrox @EpicDwarf @Newf @Avairian @easto1a and countless others.

There’s also been discussions on other similar voxel games on Kickstarter such as DwarfCorp or general discussion of the ones people are looking forward to.

@Omnus has posted some pretty epic music too.

Or do you normally read other things?

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