Weird Assertion Failure

2016-05-30 19:02:42.109244 | server | 0 | app | Assertion Failed: !saving_(C:\rb\ihome\root\SH-OB0-BUILD\stonehearth\source\dm\store.cpp:509)

2016-05-30 19:02:42.124754 | client | 1 | deferred | [deferred 74585 ‘remote 33743 radiant:server:save’] caught exception in Reject: boost::filesystem::remove: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: “G:\Steam Library\steamapps\common\Stonehearth\saved_games\auto_save\server_state.bin”

2016-05-30 19:02:50.342203 | server | 0 | app | Assertion Failed: !saving_(C:\rb\ihome\root\SH-OB0-BUILD\stonehearth\source\dm\store.cpp:537)

I recieved this error while playing a game with the mod I’m developing. It seems to be something about saving and unrelated to modding, so I only posted the last few lines of Stonehearth.txt, but I could post whatever else could help.

Any Idea why this came up?

EDIT: Here’s the Stonehearth.txt for posterity:
stonehearth.log (1.3 MB)

Actually, one thing I cannot provide is a save file :frowning: I just discovered that not even an autosave survived, and I had yet to make a manual save.

Well I know from what little modding I have done that even a small error can cause the game not to load. I had an extra } in my en.json file and StoneHearth would not even start up. Once correct it launched from steam without a problem.

Uploading your complete stonehearth.log may give some insight as to what other processes may have been occurring at the time of this error.

I use to validate my .json files.

Yes, I know that, it definitely was not on load-up and not a json issue. :smile: I was mid-game and this was a cpp assertion error

ok, I was not sure at first what your experience level was, then I remember you made the Bastioneer mod. So you should know more about this than what I do. This was about all the help I could give.

Thank you very much :slight_smile: I still spend way too much time with bugs not realizing that it’s a simple json error :smile:

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this is a wild guess, but it could be that something was wonky with the mod but the game didn’t recognize it until it tried to auto-save…

mind giving a bit more info about what kind of mod it is you’re developing? that might provide some insight as to why it threw this error…

The Bastioneers mod. :blush: Ive been playing the mod a fair bit and it has successfully auto-saved before, so I’ll check what I’ve programmed most recently to see if something is up with the save variables or something :smile:

Since it says "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: “G:\Steam Library\steamapps\common\Stonehearth\saved_games\auto_save\server_state.bin” I’m inclined to think it has to do with some other program interacting with Stonehearth.


I don’t think that other program should access Stonehearth to that point… Maybe the game or Steam were being updated at that time?

So weird… Did your saves disappear or just failed to be created?

It probably failed to be created, I think it was about the time for the first autosave

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Hm…Was this on a new game?
There are sometimes issues when the game doesn’t want to save if it’s too big.

Anyway I guess @Albert might be interested in the error, if auto-save is not working, or know who to redirect this to.