Today I was playing Stonehearth and a trader came to my town. To my surprise, they were selling wall mounted clay lamps. I know clay will become a big part of the Potter class, but was this accidentally leaked? Comment below if anyone else has encountered this new item.
Not a leak as far as I am aware. It has been in the traders interface for a few versions now. I know @Tom did a lot of modeling and animation work on it a few streams (maybe 5-10) ago, and did also code in the trader information.
I bought them every time the merchant comes to town. They look great Can’t wait for the potter and clay items to be in-game. WTB some of dem gnomes
I noticed also that in 2650 ish release the potter class was actually in the tree and you could build out of clay. The only problem was that clay wasn’t an available resource yet and came up with an error anytime I attempted to use clay in building. Probably should have taken some screenshots, too bad. I think that part of it might have been a mistake though because those are gone again in 2666. I was completely shocked though to see it! The clay lamps do look great hanging on walls though, particularly underground!
@CuSidhe, that was a mistake…the potter was not (is not…) finished, and as you mentioned you could not actually get clay in the game without something like debug tools.
Edit: I stand corrected. Thanks @brad!
Not a mistake, nor a leak… we’ve been testing out some Alpha 13 features while we’re still in the Alpha 12 development phase. With various unstable A12 releases we’ve had clay available as a resource, clay items (such as the lamp) etc. They will be removed for the official A12 release – but you’ll see them again (for real!) with Alpha 13, when the Potter makes his debut.