Voxel Pirate´s Qubicle Creations

Ah, sorry, I should have commented on that. It’s mostly a suggestion on shape. That flat, cartoony face makes it look more like a monkey. A longer head says more cow, but it can still be cartoony in other ways, like big nostrils and big cheeks.
The darker coloring scheme might be too dark, but what is more important is that it is brown. The pink is more fitting for a white/whiter cow. It can still be cute even if it’s brown. Google “brown cow cartoon” and you’ll get some examples.
Anyway, that’s just my opinions. Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

So, here we go with some propaganda to get the cows into the game :wink:


P.S. Well, not too serious of course ^^


This has made my night.

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Playing a bit around with Qubicle…


and (after some “processing”)…



this is one time when the saying is probably true, but… “if you play with it too much, you are going to go blind!”

but seriously, that is all kinds of awesome… i love how you achieved the gradient effect in the first image!

Actually it was very simple. I was just copy & pasting in the Stonehearth-logo. Everything you past in has the depth of 1 Voxel. So after I have deleted the Voxels around the single letters, I have added some more depth in there… and that was the result. Pretty easy to create kind of 3D-Font-Effect this way.

So it is now officially confirmed that there will be no cows. Actually the reasoning makes even sense… somehow. Nevertheless, during the stream it was suggested to include a :cow2:-Titan! What a brilliant idea (:laughing:).

So as founder and strong supporter of the “Don’t have a Heart of Stone”-movement, I felt obliged to design a potential cow-titan, which could take revenge for all the oppression. Maybe the related event will be triggered if there are too many alpacas running around, and … :collision:.

Here we go with a first try:



God no.

Chutulu is one thing, but this…

My settlers will have nightmares for years. I don’t even want to think what it’s main attack is going to be.

A cacophony of moo, moo, Moo, MOO! coming closer then (UDDER SMASH)

noo… see now you’ve gone and got me thinking

Oh my lord, Terror has a new name …Daisy the ancient old one dairy cow…

how can something be terrifying, humorous and just a little uncomfortable, all at once? i dunno either, but i likes it! :beers:

Milk cannon! If hit by it, move slowly. If you’re splashing around too much you will end up stuck in a big lump of butter.

This seriously reminds me of black and white … I’m even pretty sure you can have a cow as your monster thing …

Ah yes, here he is!


@Geoffers747 … guess where the big belly is coming from :wink:.

You’re pregnant?! Congratuwelldone!

Just a thought for the Cow titan, but if you remember the Cthulu - titan, hes just barely larger than the Qubicle Settler model, and then just scaled in size in-game. Perhaps you could try that with your Titan, because to my (very untrained, I’ll admit) eye, it seems a bit Clunky? (not really the right word, but I can’t quite describe it).

Actually that’s what I did. The cow is scaled-up in Blender and originally as big as a standard worker ;-).

Well, what did I say about my untrained eye? :blush:
But seriously, you do amazing work. I’m still having trouble with hair (I do in any medium, to be honest)

EDIT: Also, have you already animated it? If you have, I’d love to see any of the work you’ve already done on it…

… not yet. That’s the first try of the cow. I want to put it aside for 2-3 days and take another look into it. With a bit distance, I might see some additional things I want to change. But after that I plan to give it a try and animate it ^^.

i dont think the internetz are prepared for that… but thanks for the advanced warning… :wink:

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I want stomping. And lots of it.