I was going to test a few things and then the game starts a download! Can’t wait to see it!
Too bad it will take sometime, super slow internet
Ooh, you’re right! Although I have a few other games updating first . I think we beat the devs to this
The Update was 0 Bytes
Oh ok. R.I.P. chances of surprise Alpha XD
Oh my never mind! The devs shall fall before our speedy updating! (I think this is the most I have ever posted on this discourse XD)
Welcome to the discourse, @Ragnarol
Ok, so whenever I try going into stonehearth steam crashes and I have to restart to get it to work again. Is this a problem with steam, or stonehearth? This has only been happening when I installed the latest branch by the way.
EDIT: Never mind, you addressed this. Making it an exception for Avast.
It is happening again!
Yeah, we wait until you get online, Bruno…
Hey Brad, I see that the previous version was the 719 and this one is 720. Isn’t these numbers for stable releases? I remember that unstable were at v.3000~ already.
We’re following a different procedure this time.
@BrunoSupremo: as @Relyss indicates, we’re trying a new approach to player releases. Rather than pushing from our develop branch, which can contain features in development (but not yet ready for even an unstable release), we’re going to push all player-facing builds from our release branch for the next few weeks. It’s a bit of an experiment, but one that we think will be better for development discipline.