Appologies… i am aware that in the first video above, i miss-pronouce a few words… near the start i noetice that i say *the Giant Map Mod by Bruno Supremo is available from the - Stonehearth Discord8 (errr… LOL?) - obviously imeant the Stonehearth Discourse
NOTE Remember, if you have missed an episode, you may watch my VODs via Past Broadcasts on my channel (they stay for up to 14 days)
A New Story Abandonned -
I encountered a game breaking bug (of stream) while trying to build a house + Road on the lake near my start
I am now starting a new game Lost At Sea - using Arhipelago Biome Mod created by @BrunoSupremo
Ok so i used the Archipelago Mod in Rickety builder (please check above stream/my other thread here for details) and it broke the game… the save was recoverable, so i will continue with this series tomorrow (or as i am able)