Title: Trapper Still Causes Glitchy Behavior (apologies for the title, just don’t know how else to describe it)
Summary: As in the previous release, one can manage to permanently stick a red “X” to the ground, resulting in an inability to deselect the trapper, use mouse camera controls, and an overabundance of “move to” markers.
Steps to reproduce:
- Promote a settler to trapper.
- Press “2” to set a trap on an animal that is too far away, so a red “X” appears
- Press “2” again, which should result in the “X” becoming stuck to the ground.
Expected Results: Trapper would move closer and then set a trap. Or possibly ignore the order.
Actual Results: Camera refused to respond to mouse commands, could not select other units, and the move to marker could be placed many times.
Notes: Sorry if this didn’t make much sense, it’s sort of difficult to describe exactly how it worked.
Attachments: here’s a video: YouTube timestamp at 5:30.
Versions and Mods: Alpha 2 r58, no mods
System Information: Windows 7, 64-bit OS, i7 processor, 8G of RAM