Every breath Steve takes
and every move he makes
every mod he breaks
every post he fakes
Ron’ll be watching him.
Every breath Steve takes
and every move he makes
every mod he breaks
every post he fakes
Ron’ll be watching him.
That sound you hear so faintly. The hushed rustling that lasts only just long enough to register, and is quickly dismissed as just in your head. It's not.
@SteveAdamo I’d quite like that copy of Snapshot. That game looked amazing when I first saw it, but I’ve always been preoccupied with other things. Is there anything from my list that you want?
@SirCamOfRon If your Serious Sam 3 request is still on the table, shoot me a pm and we can discuss details!
let me confirm that i havent already given it out previously, and its yours!
I have natural selection sorry. Magicka sounds nice but it would be a lose for me to buy the game and trade it only for that :(. Do you have anything else?
It does not include the dlc because i need that coupon for myself
Hmmm… Not that i know of. Oh well, i’ll just get back to waiting for a discount. Don’t need it for myself, just for a friend who i owe money to.
So, guys. This isn’t really a trade, however I have recently pre-ordered WildStar, and along with that is 3 codes that allow whoever I give a code to play the game for 7 days as a trial. I’ll possibly give one of these up for a giveaway, and the remaining to friends (on here or in real life). Just for future reference, is anyone interested in the game?
let me know if there is something from my list you would like, as I’ve been curious about the Arkham games for a while…
i’ll PM you the key in a minute… would a trade for Crysis2 or Medal of Honor be fair, or would you like something else from my list? between those two, which is “better”…
i’m not 100% sure, as this is the only detail I can pull up from HB:
The Basement Collection
Edmund McMillen and Tyler Glaiel
Hmmm, I like all of my games and I don’t think I should trade . . .
Oh wait! Can someone trade me a cool game for this other game I have called Stonehearth? That would be cool!
In all seriousness, does anyone have a game they want to trade with someone, I’m currently looking for a game in my small Steam Library to trade.
if you’ve already activated the key, im afraid you cant trade it…
Aw, darn it.
Oh well.
Either one would be fine by me, take your pick! Which one would you like more?
That’ll be the one! Is there any cheapish games you’ve had your eye on on Steam that I could then do swapsies with?
I’d be interested. Seems like a game i’d have to try before i buy.
bah, i’ll just toss you the code…
if you happen to stumble across something in your library, just let me know… i’ll PM you the key as soon as i’m back at my desk…
Sega All Stars Racing Transformed? Anyone? No? Just me? Okay…
I have more than 700 games on steam and just buyed watch dogs for my bd, 24 april ;P, but i have some tropico 5, so if someone want trade it, add me on steam (same name, like on discourse, and same image)
I’d very much like to trade for some Tropico 5. Although, with your impressive library of Steam games, I assume you might have everything I have to offer.
And I thought I had a lot…
Would you be interested in Battlefield 4 for Tropico?