Templates with workbenches

So at the moment i am in a new game to try out some mods and such.
I have played several hours, a couple of months ingame and i still only have made two buildings, The second i just build, so basicly i have only had one building up…
BUT i have almost all the classes unlocked and mastered… Basicly i have all the workbenches and so on out in the open under the stars. I never seem to get to a point where i can spare the workers to build a building?

What i see, is an unbalance between the progress of the classes and the town itself.

A thought i had was, what if the workbenches could only be placed if they where incorperated into a building template? That would force the player to construct a building to open up the progression of the classtree? Of course there can be all kinds of workarounds with this, just making a small building or something.

I just wanted to share the thought about this unbalance, what do the rest of you guys think about the subject?

Thanks. :merry:


That idea I like.

I think a straight up disable of them, if outside, might be overkill for some of them though, but I suggest that most of them at least get a severely limited crafting list to use. One possible direction could be: class talismans, doors and windows for the carpenter, similar for the potter’s workbench on desert and perhaps absolutely nothing or only class talismans for other crafting stations.

EDIT: A typical cheesing work-around for this would be just putting them all in one building then, for which the same ‘disables’ could apply or at the very least a half-way solution, so as to incentive building a separate crafting building for each class.

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that would be a smart way to do it. There might be other ways aswell?
Maybe the developers have already thought about this long and hard…And we just dont know what the future might hold. :jubilant:

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Mayhaps :smirk_cat:. I guess we’ll know soon enough.

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I read half your post and thought what if they made it where workbenches could only be placed down with a template. I then continued reading and saw that that was exactly what you had said. Your a genius. XD

I think this would indeed be a good way to keep the number of buildings in line with how many crafters you have. IRL you wouldn’t have two buildings with 5 master crafters as you pointed out.

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Well… IRL you actually would. One artisans workshop in a larger medieval society would probably have somewhere about that and a fair amount of assistants to boot. This doesn’t really work for this game however, as that would mean you’d need the equally large population (as much as tens of thousands), in which case I’m not even sure NASA or SETI could run this game anymore. The Guild II gets closer to reality in that aspect, but is still skimping on the numbers, because it just wouldn’t work.

I think it’s better to think of each hearthling as a representative pop, ala Civilization or Stellaris (although smaller sizes). In this case, one craftsman per building seems quite decent and also quite practical in terms of gameplay mechanics.

Pardon the rant.

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well IRL it would be a massive building like one of @Fornjotr builds that was a guild it wouldn’t be tiny quickly built buildings; however in Stonehearth you can get away with building a shared bed room and a meal hall.


Point taken; the meal halls do sort of break the image I was going for :sweat_smile:. I think part of the issue might also be that I tend to not go with pre-built buildings, so my style may be far too pseudo-realistic (as in, realistic, but with a few artistic liberties) for me to really comment on this in the first place :thinking:.

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But… How would you craft the clay bricks needed to build a building if the kiln has to be inside of it? @__@
It would have to be a different limitation like the ones suggested.

Yeah, this happens to me if I try to rush the classes.

I think this problem encompasses more systems than just building. :thinking:
It could easily affect net worth and gameplay balancing.

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This would hurt me tremendously. I love the look of the clay windows, but prefer to use the wood doors. As it stands, I rush to get a potter and carpenter before I even start planning my first building. This would kill that and force me to make buildings I don’t want.


Yes i can see how that would be an issue, maybe you have a thought on another way to solve the problem? :merry:

Personally i almost never play with the ingame templates, i usually make my own and i can see how that would create some problems aswell.

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I know @Brackhar once did a design write-up about nearby items/furniture being able to provide bonuses to crafting. To me, it seems reasonable to allow you to craft with a workbench outside of a building to start off, but not apply bonuses - or just lower their effect - until you go to the effort of placing it in a building.

I’m sure there’s still some potential for taking advantage of this in a way you’re not supposed to, though.

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I never use the in game templates either, but at the same time, I don’t get why you’d want to limit your crafters to the size of the town. For the craftsman and potter class, this would hinder building buildings (as I stated above). For the farming class, this would hinder the cooking class as well as herbalist, and thus slow all that down; possibly even the weaver. Just all the classes are so tied together, to slow any of them down would take that away from the game.

Call it immersion. Two buildings in a couple months doesn’t sound bad to me…

Suggestion here is to always have one Hearthling that doesn’t have a job. At least that’s what I do.

If this is actually a problem that needs to be solved (which I don’t feel it does, but to each their own), I feel this should be rectafied through the emotions system and not the building system. Basically, say they’ve been under the stars for more than 3 days, then their single debuff turns into a bigger one. Then after a couple more days, it goes again. So yeah, you may have all these Masters and all the classes, but no one’s happy because they don’t have their own buildings.

One other way, and I wouldn’t fight this, would be limiting what classes you can have at what town level. At level 1, you have the carpenter, mason, potter, trapper, Herbalist, farmer, and the weaver. When you hit town level 2, you unlock the recipies for the cook, blacksmith, engineer, sheppard, cleric, archer, and knight. Being they’re a little heftier classes it would make sense to me.


Perhaps instead of it being a requirement for the workshop to be in a template, there could be a bonus where the craftsman may have a higher chance at crafting fine items instead of normal items or craft and move faster.