Tales of Stonehearth: People with Swords


I won the contest and am now the proud owner of Home edition Qubicle! Now that I have the ability to export models I can get started on animation!


congratulations! weā€™re all expecting big things from you nowā€¦ wellā€¦ bigg-er, i supposeā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:


:stuck_out_tongue: Iā€™ll do my best! Iā€™m hoping I get good fast xD

Good job, canā€™t wait to see what you come up with.


I have 100% finished carving up the models for animation, as well as the trailer set. Iā€™ve been looking for some original music to go use for the series, as well as learning a massive amount of After Effect CS5.

Regarding episodes. Iā€™ve decided Iā€™ll be releasing pre-effect scenes before a episode is finished, these will probubly not be major scene but I do want audience feedback before I start putting hours into visual effects.

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well, fire away! looking forward to seeing these pre-effect scenesā€¦ :smiley:

Quick question, is there going to be voice acting?

Atm, I have some people who are willing to do voice acting. I am really hoping so because I donā€™t think it would be very good without it

What time period is your story set in?

Year 215. The story is the history of my future Stonehearth world.

Like a prequel to a movie, thatā€™s sound be fun and interesting.

The interesting part will be playing a pre-made city. Iā€™ll be rebuilding everything fomr the series in the final game release and putting it up for Download.

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Itā€™s only a suggestion so donā€™t hold me to it, but @Omnus has a thread in which he puts up the music heā€™s composed for thisā€¦maybe contact him?

Whilst I myself would love to help, music composition software is an extortionate amount of money :crying_cat_face:

Unless of course you meant by that that you were going to be composing, in which case Iā€™ll go back to my corner and be quietā€¦

I have been speaking to a youtube battle theme musician and he is letting me use 3 very well made pieces but more the merrier.


I must know will this series have more of a happy ending kind of thing or will it have a more Game of Thrones feel where main characters die horrible deaths

If I have anything to say about it, being important to the series will not be good for life expectancy :wink:.

That being said, as of yet I donā€™t have anything to say about it :astonished:. Haha, but fear not, weā€™re working on that as we speak.

Just got the email containing home edition, Iā€™m going to do some animation tests today. Iā€™ll post them once I have something done on youtube and link them here as well


YAY!!! I really do hope this becomes even better than Game of Thrones, Pandemic if your scripts not up to scratch I will poop on your lawn!!!

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Atm I have @CableX17 writing up the first to shorts :stuck_out_tongue: Iā€™ll be working on the series script soon enough

you have chosen wisely my friendā€¦ i hear heā€™s an aspiring author of sortsā€¦ :wink: