Suggestions for Alpha 8-10

man… Water is my most wanted thing fishermen and BOATS!! The second my people finish building a boat and head out to sea i think i’d pass out :smile:


about four more alphas before water :pensive:


I think they said for water to be considered for addition in alpha 11 or something like that but thank you for your opinion. Always helps :smile:

I want to see ruined zombie villages and skeleton towns! (Goblin camps in the works.) :wink:


Thank you for your suggestion. They will be adding other factions or villages but they most likely be human trade villages or a main hub town like in the game Kenshi but some great ideas to go along with a fantastic game. Thanks again :smile: :heart_eyes:

Sounds good–I’m definitely looking forward to military control and more world diversity.

Especially with the world improvements, I hope that we’ll also start to see ramps, stairs, and other elevation-changing constructions to be able to explore the new world features more easily. Possibly also fixing the “items-stuck-in-ladder” bug would be nice as well.

I’m in favor of this–having controllable military to explore these ruins would be pretty fun.

One thing I’m hoping to see alongside military control is worker control–not necessarily individual unit control, but setting teams of workers that can focus on specific tasks and streamline the gameplay. That way, we can start limiting the delay of building a house because certain voxels are ‘reserved’ for certain workers (which will also likely require some recoding beyond the current system).



Maybe an agenda for them?

Now that would be pretty kick ass :scream: :dizzy_face:

I would like to see different colored items! and be able to remove silkweed and flowers.

The ability to change the font size would be nice – then I could actually read all the dinky script at the right hand side of the screen. Or the error messages.

A scroll bar on the error window would be interesting…


observers look awesome! so the issue i see there is the birdbath qb has a large open space in it ? you could make a new ‘‘special larger birdbath’’ just for your observers as well as bird houses :smiley: !!

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I have high hopes that this text will eventually migrate to one of the main UI icons (clicking said icon to see all of the villager chatter, as opposed to having it scroll across the screen)…


I would like to see the ability to either destroy or salvage things, like chairs, tables, weapons, pelts etc.
Pretty much anything that can be stored. Break them down into their base ingredients.

Really looking forward to having more control over military.
Will we be able to set up a patrol area? like the trapping area for instance.


YES that would be a fantastic addition to undo mistakes and reap from a victory or a raid. I have very high expectancy that they would add this feature but it might be added in the latter part of the development. But I full heartedly agree with this suggestion (devs you might wanna look into this if ya can) :scream:

I thought all the chatter was recorded in the city journal?

as far as i understand thats just the praises and complaints, none of the just everyday chatter.

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Once water is in, fishing!


So do we know what we might get in alpha 10 skeletons

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