Stream tonight with Max & Angelo: QoL improvements and engineering questions

QoL improvements, lemme think. :thinking:

  • have pet owners feed their pets after lunch (so you don’t need to worry about keeping food in crates)
  • put a ‘disable clouds’ option in the ‘graphics section’ of the settings.
  • technical suggestion, so a modding QoL improvement suggestion I guess: Allowing for an recipe_ingredient_picture to be specified in the .json of the recipe. Bonus points for a display_ingredient_name for the ingredient name that appears when you hover over the ingredient_picture.
  • speaking about modding QoL: @BrunoSupremo had one about “material_tags”

I hope these are useful for the stream. I can’t come (I have to be sleeping at that time) to the stream tonight, but have fun everyone :smile:!