Stonehearth @ YouTube & Twitch (Channel Overview)

@AeonsyMC Hearthstone or Stonehearth? :wink:

ā€¦ assuming that it is Stonehearth, I have added you to the overview.

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idd lol its a very common mistake :stuck_out_tongue:

Can someone add me :)?

Tech & Gaming :smile:

@Mycelus No problemā€¦ you have been added.

@voxel_pirate can you also ad me on the twitchTV list? Twitch

Hey, could you add our channel too? - YouTube

We play other games too, with most of them having some town building elements (for example Timber and Stone, Banished, Castle Story, RimWorld, Prison Architect, Spacebase DF-9, etc.)

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Sure @AeonsyMC / @Twistedā€¦ just added both of you.

@voxel_pirate Thanks :slight_smile:

Iā€™m working on a new video for Sunday. Showcasing another game. Iā€™m waiting on the next update to SH. That allows us to trap and kill animals before I make a new video. Hopefully they will add a few dangers, likes wolves or goblins.

Off Topic, Have you ever wanted to join a YouTube network? Well, today is your lucky day. Just follow this link and get started. -

If you need some help and a chance at a better deal. Then PM me and Iā€™ll get you in contact with the right person. If this is not for you please ignore it, thanks for reading.

Well I got a youtube channel for stonehearth that is non dedicated to it but I will be posting videos of stonehearth on it! here is the link: SluffCraft! Amplified Towny Server!

then I have a dedicated channel to stonehearth with minion which is this link: YouTube

Added both channels. Maybe you want to upload some videos about Stonehearth already to make it more appealing for people to pass by?

Ya I am working on a couple videos right now to make it more appealing haha. I have just been finishing some stuff up for school that was keeping me busy before.

You also spelt my name wrong in the channel list haha

hello i am new to youtube. i will be making videos of Stonehearth, Skyrim and maybe Minecraft YouTube

@morgothislordof, good luck with your channel.

thank you a lot!!! :slight_smile:

Go ahead and remove me, Youtube is a complicated and difficult hobby to keep, Iā€™ll think about it again when Iā€™m in college, so yeah, sorry to bother ya

@PyreStarite done as requested. You are right that YouTube can become quite time-consuming. However, I think it really depends on what you want to achieve with it. To get thousands of subscribers will take much more compared to ā€œlearning how to use itā€ and have fun :wink:,

Totally agree to the time consuming partā€¦ When I started (for fun) I just had a few subscribers and just played around. But finally I got to the point where I evolved my video style to one even more time consuming variant - making the videos I would like to see, but had to sacrifice 2/3 of my gaming time for video editing and planning. I mean, today I would never release the videos I started with, and wouldnā€™t like to watch them either, but it came with a cost.

Today I have passed 700 subscribers, and it put a kind of pressure on me to only release ā€œgoodā€ stuff. It is fun, butā€¦ againā€¦ time consuming :wink:

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Been almost a year and i still got my channelā€™s name misspelled :confused: lol

Hmā€¦ and what is exactly misspelled? Thatā€™s the user name you have on YouTube. Happy to changeā€¦ but to what? :wink:

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