it’s ownerpure not onwerpure
There you go… just say a word .
Is there a problem with the Radiant twitch archive or am I just doing the internetz wrong?
I cant see any of the previous broadcasts
There was some recent changes to Twitch meaning that all archives have been deleted I believe.
I’m not sure how many videos are up on youtube, but I know @Ellogeyen was uploading old streams a while back.
Hello all,
Like everyone in this forum i have a love for this game already and its only in alpha build. The community around this game is fantastic and i’ve watched many other videos listed above. some great stuff. So it seems like everyone under the sun is playing and recording this game including myself. I have a very small channel which i am working on.
I play a number of other games but i have been more recently inclined to Stonehearth.
Would love to be added to the list with the awesome gamer’s above
I guess after spamming the forums with my random comments and videos where I badling play Stonehearth I really should add my channel to the growing list of Youtubers playing the excellent games. My channel is: Stonehearth - Kingdom of Calgary - Part 4 I do a Let’s Play of Stonehearth plus a few other indie sandbox games; however stonehearth is my primary game.
Just added you… good luck with the channel.
Can you plz add me to da list.
I’ve also now set Stonehearth as one of the Games to follow on Twitch.
tnx muchley
… done and also good luck!
did you miss my comment?
I did, sorry … but now you are also included.
I moved 16 posts to an existing topic: Steve’s Youtube and fun stuff and things (and stuff) thread!11!
I started streaming again, figured I should post my stream page here along with my art youtube channel once I get off my lazy butt and make it.
Livestream: Picarto.TV - Pandemic's Channel
Youtube: To Be Added
Hey I do stonehearth too!!! Been doing it for a little while. I do general gaming with a focus on indie gaming but I may end up just doing stonehearth depending on how views end up going! Thanks guys!
Here’s my latest episode…uploading one today!
How could you forget Revolution @voxel_pirate?
Hi guys,
my name is Tobit and i am a german YouTuber and Twitch streamer.
Twitch: Twitch
I love Stoneheart and have play it since the early alpha.
Here begins my Story with the Alpha 10!
I hope you enjoy!
all the best,
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