Stonehearth crashes or Quits through steam

I’m having a problem with the game and its causing my client to crash, Ive tried reinstalling the game and there is a lag when I put my settlement down and it crashes everytime. there isn’t screenshots, there’s not a report bug task. just crashes when I put down my settlement banner. and also I have verifed my game integrity. but still no solution.

Hey there @funkluk, welcome to the Discourse! Sorry to hear that your game is crashing at the start of each game, let’s see if we can figure out what is going on. As you created your post in support, not crash reports (don’t worry :smile:), you didn’t get prompted to complete a full crash report, so if you could provide some more details, we will do our best to assist:


[Enter basic crash description here. E.g. immediate crash to desktop, black screen with music playing, Windows error dialog popup, etc.]


[Paste your Stonehearth.log file here. File is located in game install directory. Default Steam location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth]


[Link to crash.dmp (from game install directory). Upload your file to an online file sharing service like Dropbox or Google Drive and paste link here]

Versions and Mods:

[What version of Stonehearth are you playing? Have you installed any mods?]

System Information:

[Please list Windows version (7, 8, 8.1, 10), video card (e.g. GTX 780), and monitor type (laptop panel or external monitor)

Have you attempted basic troubleshooting steps here:

[Have you attempted all the steps detailed in linked post? Please do before posting!]


[Any additional useful information]

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After supplying the above information, I suggest trying two things.

  1. Scan your computer for an Ad-Ware known as Lavasoft. Often you will find it as a .dll file in your system32 folder. LavasoftTCP64service.dll or something to that effect. I recommend disabling the service or removing it from your PC.
  2. When you first load the game and before trying to start a settlement, switch to 32bit mode and restart the game. Chances are when you put down the Banner, your Hearthlings spawn and as their AI is booting up it is overwhelming your system memory. That is my theory.

Please though, your crash report will be a big help to those providing support and help, so do that first. :smile:

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This is original data, what ever you patch is what I have.

Hey again @funkluk, would love to help you out here. Can you please answer the question in the form I posted above? It is particularly important that you share your game version, as the latest release had a change that resolved a large number of early game crashes. Thanks! :smile: