Stockpile additionally excluding decorations whenever edited to exclude any item type

I’m having the same issue. Hearthlings never loot them and the only thing you can do is place them somewhere. Same thing happens with the firepit,

I am also having this same issue. Hearthlings never loot the tokens when told to. I can have them move the tokens, but when ordered to “undeploy” no hearthlings ever pick them up and move them to stockpiles. As mentioned above, this means I can not build the Valor of Cid.

I’m not sure what caused it, but it seems like the tokens aren’t put in stockpiles that don’t have All selected - if you exclude any item group from the stockpile, they won’t get put away. It seems like the same goes for kobold hats.

Calling attention to @sdee just in case! It seems like not all items were able to be filtered correctly

The problem is indeee that both decorations and furniture does not go intonstockpiles unless you allow all things to go in there.

There is another bug report topic about this

There was a bug in 3010 where not all items got moved to the new stockpile system. Build 3013 should have fixed most of them. I believe the goblin honor token is a part of the little gem icon (trophies). If it’s not working please upload your save and I will take a look.

Not sure if I did this correctly, as it’s my first time uploading a save.

There are several things strewn about the map, and I believe most if not all of them are goblin hats. I’m not sure if there are any more goblin tokens lying around, though there might be one or two.

I have a small cave set behind one of the houses outside the walls that stores valuables.

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Yep, 3010 fixed the furniture part of the bug, but now the goblin honor tokens are doing the exact same thing. The only way to get them into a stockpile is to select “All” for the contents of the stockpile.

just found this thread just now to report it.
I have the same problem for days, but for me it’s tools and workshops that are bugged.
I can’t update to 3013 yet to test if it’s fix because of connection problems.

I’ve got a fix for this for next unstable release.
Thanks for reporting it.


Has this fix been implemented yet? 1 of september 16…? if not the issue still exist :slight_smile:

Did the bug happen to you?
I tested and it seems already fixed in A18, just forgot to move it to resolved :worried:

Well the heartlings would not loot goblin tokens and flutes. i then made a stockpile with “all” and they looted them… but i could actually have missed some fault on my side with the storage capacity… better go check before i point fingers haha :smiley:

edited 3 minutes later… nope got lots of storagespace free, so thats not the issue. I guess the bug still lives…

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@Fornjotr my hearthlings restocked them on A18 fine (their storage filter is “trophies”).
Are they oulined in red but not marked to loot? If they are, you have to pick them manually with the loot tool, so that they belong to your hearthlings.

@Relyss… that solved it. i actually had not seen the “trophies” category in the filter since i did not connect the icon with thropies. i usually have a small crate for my gold and just tick off the whole category in the filter. ill be more observant from now on. Thanks for the help. :slight_smile:

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