Find all the details here: Steam Latest Branch Updated with Early Alpha 11 Build – Stonehearth
i… i cant contain my excitement!
OMG i cant believe it finally, YIIHAAA
close all browser, stop eat , bath, stay away from social life
Still…doing…German… must…finish…work…"
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Wait wait WAIT… did Silverthorn just get blown up lol
little infos
- i would remove the old receips from the cook-folder xD
- cook/skin/ the workshop.less needs another icon
(i have replaced the needles.png with the icon.png / renamed spoon)
so this was just a quicklook after work i start with the translation and will look at this again
edit2: what is that for a new info in the shepherd talisman? and in the perks of the cook is the info for TOM
wait, was the fog-of-war removed?
I moved a post to an existing topic: [Early Alpha 11, 2477] couple crate issues
Stonehearth Bug Alpha 11 #1
- hearthling cannot access food inside Large Crate during lunch
- sometimes hearthling idle doing nothing, even we queue over new works (current solution is save the game and reload)
- workers still left something on roof after building finished (current solution is making a ladder)
- goblin base spawn too near
- merchant not showing any items to buy or sell (current solution press F5 to refresh UI)
- undeployed “mason workbench” not showing icon on stockpile overview, cannot place workshop afterward *Game Breaking
- “picked fence” still counted on stockpile after placed on world
i was looking forward to this update…but it seems like it built up a bunch of excitement only to provide a lot more bugs than progress. oh well…it is early access and is Alpha. anyways, i bet the Devs have a lot to work on now that the release is out. can’t wait to see the patches
isnt that what every alpha update before this has done…
i dont know yet…i’ve had this game for 3ish weeks now
Actually i think the Crates are broke more then anything. If any item goes in them the A.I. thinks the items don’t exist anymore, including building items. If you pull them out by laying a stockpile they still don’t exist. Crate’s are the new black hole of Stonehearth
I shall throw goblins in the crates to test this theory, Brb
ah, that makes sense then. the entire point of the “unstable” release is to fix as many bug as can be before the “stable” release. and every time they add new content in an alpha release (and dont just do bug fixing) lots of bugs show up.
well my carpenter takes logs out in order to make stuff…
maybe on most items, idk, lol.
They refuse to eat from crates and i tired pulling the items out, and refuse to use the building mats. Again pulled items back out and still wont. hmmmmmmmmm
Welp just threw a Goblin in there, told me he is never leaving and loves it in there.
In all seriousness, i think ill take a break till they fix this issue.
if possible could you guys also update the steam news the same time you update the dev blog? i just didn’t realise until now it’d been updated haha
Think of it as build 10.99 early proposed build for us testers to wreck.