Happy Groundhog Day! The forecast is for an early Spring… and the imminent arrival of Stonehearth Alpha 14!
That’s right — we’re getting really, really close to the debut of our latest Alpha.
The newest build on Stonehearth’s Steam unstable branch has a few final updates and bug fixes.
Please take it for a spin, and keep those bug reports coming.
Here’s what you’ll find in this latest release:
- Turn on release-level performance optimizations
- Improved disposal of defunct encounter nodes, for performance and debug-ui readability
- Improve memory usage when looking for things in boxes
- Goblin raids no longer spawn if goblins are friendly/neutral
- Continue tuning difficulty of encounters
- Fix bug where daily report fails on exact match of requirements
- Fix various performance and memory issues involved in creating cubes within which to search for things
- Add sanity checks to spawn-point pathing code
- Add hedge so sounds don’t repeat indefinitely
- Fixes to the A* pathfinder
- Upgrade to boost 1.60 to fix a crashing bug
- Fix for roofs-suddenly-turn-flat bug
- Tweak willpower and healing equations
- Fix a bug where people get hands of different colors than their faces
- Shepherd now gets correct amount of wool