Steam early acess

I don’t know if there is all ready a topic of this is there is please tell me.

Hey i was wondering if this will be apart of the steam early acess program that steam if on. i know we people that paid 30 dollars would get a beta via kickstarte. So the only problem i see here is that people may be offend and don’t thing they got it exclusive and think its unfair. In my opion i think they should try to get on the steam early acess thingy.

Sry for bad english :smiley:

I believe the only way (coming soon) to get into the beta if you werent a part of Kickstarter or the Pay Pal option is via humble bundle. I believe we’ll have to wait and see what options Steam offers the developers to see what they place via Steam - if we get beta keys that work there, etc. I’m sure there will be more details to come!

hi @Dragontwist … my apologies, but i didnt quite understand what you were asking…

regarding Steam, SH was just recently greenlit, so depending on the next steps, it seems that the game will likely be offered via the platform (steam keys)… but backers will have the option of either a steam key, or using another download mechanism from radiant…

regarding alpha access, i’m afraid that isnt an option, and will likely only be available to radiant’s youtube contacts, to serve as additional means of marketing and spreading the word about the development progress…

[quote=“SteveAdamo, post:3, topic:1661”]
hi @Dragontwist … my apologies, but i didnt quite understand what you were asking…
[/quote] no problem :smile:

@SteveAdamo i was meaning some games are on steam that is still in beta example Kerbal Space program, Unepic, Prison arcitect & Planetary annihilation i was wondering if the devs was thinking that plan

oh, ok… would the beta client be offered or available through Steam? yes, i believe it would…

assuming everything progresses as they normally do with Valve (i have no idea what that entails), then radiant would most likely want to leverage the steam platform when delivering the beta, as well as the public release clients…

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