These are just a list of ideas I came up with after playing countless hours of Alpha 5. Some ideas may have been brought up by others but that’s only because great minds think alike and I haven’t read all the forums posts. Also keep in mind that I know it’s still Alpha and that I know that some things are still being worked on but again these are just suggestions from the top of my head.
Allow us to be able to set where footmen patrol and or have command options for footmen such as Attack, Patrol, Move, etc.
Add Networth, Day, Town Name, and Overall Happiness of the town somewhere in the UI. Here is my example -
On the Menu possibly over “Exit Game” maybe add a “Back To Main Menu” Button as well.
Add Gravity to objects when they get dropped on ladders.
To possibly make things more challenging, maybe you guys can add durability to Footmen Weapons (And possibly future Military units)
For Villagers that are engaged in combat, maybe have them always display health instead of just when hit
Allow Villagers to move Berry Bushes but at the cost of having to grow them back up.
If it’s possible, create an event where a Momma Wolf attacks the village because your trapper captured/skinned/befriended her pup to add a little danger from critters as well.
9)Be able to rename your town but with a cost/item of some sort.
Add a pattern (i.e. Stone Brick) on the floor to signify that this is a stockpile even without entering the “Area” menu
Be able to change villagers jobs but at the cost of all his progression in the previous job.
Be able to edit your structures/buildings even after it is built
Be able to craft Backpacks by weavers so that workers can carry more.
Be able to replant trees so that wood isn’t sparse
Show individual stats of villagers on scroll over. Here’s my example (doesn’t show my mouse because it is a print screen but my mouse is scrolled over “Payten Coroda”) -
Have footmen look for food and maybe sleep even when in Combat
Have villagers want to join your town just a slight bit more frequently because by day 18 it gets just a tiny bit tough. (Might be because of some bugs though)