Hey everybody!,
Just wanted to bring this to a few others’ attention.
So, first things first… And I just now found all of this out…
Unfortunately, after the reviews and word of mouth that I’ve heard and seen, it appears that the actual sequel to the Roller Coaster Tycoon series… Roller Coaster Tycoon World… is causing a bit of a ruckus with fans of the series and just isn’t that good, simply enough. Now of course, that’s only what I’ve heard and haven’t played the Beta myself. So! If you’re still interested to trying it out, the game’s now on Steam for $50.00 and is still in Early Access.
While reading through the reviews and news of the game, I found out about another game.
A game made the creators of Roller Coaster Tycoon 3, from an indie developer named “Frontier”…
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
Planet Coaster!
I took a look at some gameplay of the game, saw the trailer, checked out the website… all of that junk. And the game looks AMAZING!
SO! If you’re a huge fan of the Roller Coaster Tycoon series like I am, then I highly recommend checking out this game!
Here’s their website:
Here’s their Official YouTube Channel:
And here’s a little gameplay review from Nerd Cubed:
So yeah! I hope some of you water at the mouth when you see this stuff like I did!
Thanks for reading!