[Res] I want to play beta 12 version. how do i get it. I paid humblebundle for alpha. do i have to pay more?

how do you start a topic?
how do I start a topic? I typed into the Create a new topic line and hit return, then nothing happens.

@THEGREATGRUMPY, You did start a topic!

To play alpha 12 you need to enable the “latest” branch on steam. If you bought the game through the Humble Bundle you should be given a Steam key. After loading that into steam, you are going to want to follow the instructions here.

How to Switch Between Branches:
The Latest branch is available if you’ve installed the game through Steam. Here’s how to switch between the Latest branch and the regular version of the game.

  1. Go to your Steam Library and right click on Stonehearth
  2. Select “Properties” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Hop on over to the “Betas” tab
  4. In the “Select the beta you would like to opt into:” dropdown, choose:
    latest – The latest branch
    NONE – The regular version of the game.

I said, Beta. I am on the auto-update in my Steam account. I want to play BETA 12.

There is not such thing as a beta 12 yet, the unstable alpha 12 build is the most advanced version of the game there is.

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@THEGREATGRUMPY, there is no such thing as BETA 12. The entire game is in Alpha, so the current options to play are Alpha 11, which is in the “NONE” category on steam, and is supposed to be more stable, and the Alpha 12, which is in the “latest” category and tends to have more bugs, as it is under development as we speak

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the Beta tab asks me for a new number to confirm. I fed in the code proved by HumbleBundle when I purchased the Alpha Stonehearth several months ago. so … do I have to purchase a BETA stonehearth? I already paid for the Stonehearth Alpha.

There are no private betas for Stonehearth. That option is there for every game on Steam, it is a Steam feature not specific to Stonehearth.

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okay… how do I play 12. only 11 is available on the Steam account and when I click the Beta tab, it asks me to verify that I purchased Stonehearth. It rejects the purchase code I got from HjumbleBundle. so explain to me how you get version 12, whether it is alpha beta or zeta… to me via my Steam account.

I am not sure what you mean when you say

Can you possibly post a screenshot? The screen should look like this:

From the dropdown menu you should select “latest” instead of “NONE” to get onto the alpha 12 base.

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you screenshot shows exactly what I have. Am I incorrect in assuming that I need to enter beta access code into the box? I put in my Humble bundle access number to verify that I paid for Stonehearth. What else do I need to do here?

Do I click CLOSE or enter a number in the box and click CHECK CODE at this point?

You would be incorrect in that assumption. All you should need to do is change the dropdown menu from NONE to latest.
You should see this text appear below the box:

Then simply click close.
In you library. you should see this:

Then simply open the game, and check that you see Alpha 12, dev 2650 in the lower left of the menu page.

Edit: This is what the game screen should look like:

I’ll try it and get back to you in a couple minutes. thanks… hope it works.

hey there @THEGREATGRUMPY no code is needed, as @jomaxro has pointed out.

hope you enjoy the game!

I get something different than your screen snapshot. “successfully opted into the ‘latest’ content beta” does NOT appear on the bottom of the panel on my computer, and I did navigate to ‘latest- Latest build in my Minimally tested’. I paid humblebundle for alpha… is there another cost/payment due for Beta?? is there another code password or whatever required?

none at all.

have you redeemed the game on steam? if you havent then you wont be able to opt into the latest builds.

Hey @THEGREATGRUMPY, the text “successfully opted into the ‘latest’ content beta” will only appear when you switch from one build to another. If the menu already says “latest,” and you see "[latest] next to Stonehearth in your library than you are all set. What happens when you open the game right now from Steam?

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how do i make a screen shot??? ox shows up…
Betas tab highlighted
Select beta you would like
—selected Latest–latest build.mimilally testest
Enter Beta access code to unlock private Betas:
Blank Box… CHECK CODE button,
Beta access code invalid.

so, what is missing??? hwat is the Beta Access code. and where do i get it ?

no need to click check code after you’ve opted into the betas, just close that window and let it update the game to the latest build.

what is a 'build"?? huh?