September 2014 Pre-Order and Alpha Purchaces

I just bought Stonehearth’s Pre Order and the Alpha build, and i love the game, however, i noticed the posts about Versions 122 and up, and i noticed that my build is only 122 where as some posts about 136 i believe were out, not totally sure what to do about that. Cant wait for the release!

If you’re using Steam, you just need to opt in to the beta builds in Stonehearth’s settings. If that doesn’t immediately result in an "update required message or similar, restart Steam & that should do it :slight_smile: .

And if you’re using humble bundle, head on over to that site to download the latest build. Unfortunately humble bundle doesn’t auto update as far as I know. :smile:

Thanks guys! Im excited to see what the future brings to Stonehearth

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I am using the Humble Bundle Build, where do i go to get the latest build?

hey there @sindrill615… welcome aboard! :smile:

in HB, you should always have access to the latest (available) client from your games library… do you know how to access that?

I do not know how to access it

apologies, I can’t seem to login (via my phone)… perhaps someone else can give you more details, but the net result is, you’ll login to HB, access your library of games, select Stonehearth and grab the most recent build that has been upload there…

Should the build be 0.1.0 (release 122)?

hmm… im not entirely sure of the latest stable build number…

Ok, Im very stoked about this game! the citizens are so cute and this is my type of play style! Keep up the great work!


It seems as though the Humble Bundle only has up to 122… @sdee Is that correct? Does humble bundle not have the latest versions?

Naa only the steam unstable branch has 134 release.

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i got the product key for steam as well… i installed it and its still at 122…

@sindrill615 Yes, use steam. Just right click on stonehearth, properties, betas, then select latest. Then let it update. And voila!

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goooooot it XD, i was wondering why it wasnt updating when it said update required… then i hit the update button… now its updating! :smiley:


excellent! :smiley:

well, if you have any other issues, feel free to PM @Geoffers747 or me…

have fun!