[Res] I want to play beta 12 version. how do i get it. I paid humblebundle for alpha. do i have to pay more?

i have opened and closed Steam several times since starting this thread. shouldn’t it have ‘updated’ by now?

There are many methods to take screenshots. If you are on Windows 7 or newer, you can use the “Snipping tool” to take a screen shot and then copy it here.

A build is a development term for a specific version of the game. Stonehearth releases a new “build” every week or so that has any new features or bug fixes they have been working on. For more details on software development, see here (Software release life cycle - Wikipedia)

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does stonehearth say [latest] next to it? if so then it has already updated

snipping tool? do i have to google that? i mean, does my keyboard have one of those?

it does, but i do not have BETA 12. i want to try beta 12.

have you launched stonehearth since then?

launch stonehearth, then press F12 to take a screenshot of the main menu of the game, then just upload that to steam and give us a link to the picture.

i have. and i did all of this stuff several times in the past 2 weeks. you are not looking at what i said.
there is something missing… a couple keystrokes you are doing that i am not. i am looking at the same screen shot that jomaxro posted, EXCEPT… my panel says, under the blank box with CHECK CODE button on the right… BETA ACCESS CODE INVALID.
I asked, from the very beginning, do i need to get a beta access code and where and how much does it cost?

how do i upload it? i opened this “REPLY” panel and it wont let me paste the F12 here.

you dont need a code to opt into the betas… could you perhaps snag a video of you attempting to opt into the betas? it would help explain the issue quite a bit.

when you closed stonehearth steam should have come up with a window saying “upload screenshots” you then just have to upload it to your steam profile, and provide us the url to the screenshot.

does that make sense?

Thanks. sorry, i don’t know how to press f12 and ‘then just upload that to steam and give us a link to the picture.’ I did F12 and tried to paste into this REPLY panel… but nothing happens. i think i am very stupid.

Hey there again @THEGREATGRUMPY, I threw together a quick video of accessing the alpha builds. Take a look and see if this helps.


thank you!
please post this on the Newbie page… if there is one. its clear concise and i can pause and follow every thing you do.!!!
I am not the great grumpy, just a lowly one. Thanks


I would want to clean up the video a bit before I would post that anywhere. Chrome kept popping up notifications, and it is too specific (I mentioned your name and a specific build). But thanks for the kind words!

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