Questions, Answers, Stonehearth Information Thread [Updated 31st July 2014]

Construction ===============================
  • Do I build my houses brick by brick or slap down pre-fabs?

“You have two choices. You can layout floor plans and choose different types of walls, roofs, etc. Check out our [url]prototype video[/url] to see this in action. If you’d rather not do that, you can just slap down a pre-fab. Eventually we will support designing your own prefabs, which is basically like building on a blank piece of paper and saving it instead of building directly in the world.”

  • [url]Fitting doors and windows?[/url]

“Our current thinking (subject 100% to change) is that the carpenter builds the door or window, and puts it in a stockpile designated to hold furnishings. The workers are responsible for taking the door and fitting it into the house.”

  • [url]What about interior rooms? Will we able to decorate or create interior rooms for the larger buildings we have? [/url] Interview - 17:05

“Yes, absolutely, you’re gonna be able to furnish your rooms with furniture … those will have gameplay consequences, there will be decorative things like standards etc. that you can decorate the interior of your buildings with.”

  • [url] Can you customise the appearance of buildings as well? [/url] - Livestream - 1:52:40

“Yes … eventually you’ll be able to choose the materials for the floor, the walls, you’ll be able to choose different patterns for the roof. And then you’ll be able to paint your walls through crafting, so lots of customisation.”

  • [url]How complex can the buildings be? [/url] - Livestream - 48:10

“As complex at least as the one’s you’ve seen in the concept art … ultimately we want you to be able to make anything … it’s just a matter of how long it takes us to get there.”

  • [url]Will scaffolding become more realistic in the final release, like one settler says on top and is handed materials from below? [/url] - Livestream - 2:16:25 [color=#aa00ff][size=18] New [/size][/color]

We like the way scaffolding works. If you start to try and model things with one guy stays up on the scaffolding and you start handing bricks off between people the AI gets a lot more complicated and really all it does is make building more efficient, but there are easier ways to make building more efficient if we determine building takes too long. We could make people walk 5% faster or right now a single log can make five bricks we could change that to seven bricks and now building is more efficient. … We want to make it cool but eventually you are wasting time making the game 1% cooler.

Click the links to go to the relevant sections:

  • [url]Crafting/ Items/ Customisation[/url]
  • [url]Characters/ Races/ NPCs/ AI[/url]
  • [url] Animals/ Monsters/ Creatures [/url]
  • [url]Combat[/url]
  • [url]Construction[/url]
  • [url] Engine/ Programs Used [/url]
  • [url]Modding[/url]
  • [url]Multiplayer[/url]
  • [url]The Gameworld[/url]
  • [url] General Gameplay [/url]
  • [url]Kickstarter Info [/url]
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  • [url] Stonehearth Videos, Interviews, Press [/url]
  • [url] Community Made [/url]
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