This thread is for the discussion of everything related to this [url]weeks theme and models[/url]. Be it critique, suggestions, or just general chat about your favourite.
Also feel free to post other models you were thinking of submitting or other ideas you had around this weeks theme.
Make sure you check out the [url] theme schedule [/url] for the upcoming weeks of the Qubicle competition/
@SteveAdamo I would love to say that Geoffers misread it, too and that this was not the topic I have submitted… but he didn’t . I hope the topic is interesting enough as a motivation for our artists to show us what they fear most.
Not sure yet if I’m going to use it as a submission and if I do I’m probably going to put him in some kind of scene.
Anyway… He can eat you. He would probably like it. Maybe with some fava beans and a nice chianti. o_O
( Fingers crossed that you’ll recognize him, otherwise this will just get confusing and awkward for everyone. Kind of like @Geoffers747’s and @SteveAdamo’s completely platonic weekend at the cottage. )
I think my renders turned out looking much more like qubicle this time, I think it’s because I was inside anything this time so it made the environment lighting work a lot better. I’ve also decided that this is fairly interesting so far and I hope that soon I’ll get even better at making voxel models so it’s not weird stuff or copying pictures, I think I’ll keep entering these though. I’ll also make sure to use the few advantages I get from blender although I’ve started to get used to ui so it’s alright, I think I’ll just stop rambling now though. Question though to keep up my experimenting.
Question: Does it look more like a qubicle render than my previous one?
Just in case you haven’t seen it here is the requirements to be able to post images. You should be able to get them fairly quickly. Heck just look through the past comp submission threads and you should reach them.
entering at least 5 topics
reading at least 50 posts
spend a total of 15 minutes reading posts
I think the theme schedule might have helped, as people knew what was coming up.
Perhaps the topic was more interesting/ easier to make a model for, the amount of people visiting seems to have remained the same, so those two things would seem the most likely.