This thread is for the discussion of everything related to this [url]weeks theme and models[/url]. Be it critique, suggestions, or just general chat about your favourite.
Also feel free to post other models you were thinking of submitting or other ideas you had around this weeks theme.
Make sure you check out the [url] theme schedule [/url] for the upcoming weeks of the Qubicle competition.
Weeks 1 2 and 3 are ‘qualifcation rounds’ for week 4 which is the final.
You can enter in as many weeks as you like, but you are not obliged to enter every week . As you were one of the winners last week you have earned a place in the final, you will need to compete in week 4 if you want the chance to win a prize though!
The top two ‘winners’ of weeks 1, 2 and 3 of a cycle earn a place in the final week, week 4, of the cycle, as well as a snazzy new title.
Then whoever wins that final week receives a home edition of Qubicle constructor, or if they already own the home edition, they win an upgrade to the master or voxelizer upgrade.
Second place in the final week will also receive a prize, this differs by month but you can expect games and in the future (or perhaps retrospectively) physical goodies such as Stonehearth t-shirts, stickers, this sort of thing.